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Baron Nils A(dolf) E(rik) Nordenski�ld (1832-1901)


Finnish-born explorer and scientist who was in exile in Sweden from 1857. Nordenski�ld made his most famous expedition in 1878-1880. He navigated the 'North-east passage' on the Vega from northern Norway to the Bering Strait and described his journey in several books, which were translated during the following years into 11 languages. Nordenski�ld's literary oeuvre includes some 200 publications, from books to articles. The collection of his maps and geographical works is considered by UNESCO one of the world's most important collections of documents.

"Of the Polar races, whose acquaintance I have made, the reindeer Lapps undoubtedly stand highest; next to them come the Eskimo of Danish Greenland. Both these races are Christian and able to read, and have learned to use and require a large number of the products of agriculture, commerce, and the industrial arts of the present day, as cotton and woollen cloth, tools of forged and cast iron, firearms, coffee, sugar, bread, &c. They are still nomads and hunters, but cannot be called savages; and the educated European who has lived among them for a considerable time commonly acquires a liking for many points of their natural disposition and mode of life." (from The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Vol. 1, 1881)

Adolf Erik Nordenski�ld was born in Helsinki into a well-to-do civil servant family. His father, Nils Nordenski�ld (1792-1865), was a notable scholar and superintendent of mining. Sofia Margareta von Haartman, his mother, was the daughter of the doctor and economist Gabriel Erik von Haartman. Nordenski�ld was educated with a private tutor. At the age of 13 he moved to Porvoo, where he studied at the grammar school headed by the national poet J.L. Runeberg. With his father Nordenski�ld explored parts of the Urals. He studied chemistry and geology at the University of Helsinki, receiving his M.A. in 1853, Ph.D. two years later, and continued his studies in Berlin. Various of his short papers in meneralogy and molecular chemistry were printed in Acta Societatis scientarium Finni�.

The turning point in Nordenski�ld's life was when he made at a festival in Helsinki a relatively harmless speech, which upset the Russian authorities and Governor-General von Berg, who kept an eye on the students. Count von Berg was a career army officer, and served the Tsar with great devotion. Nordenski�ld,  who was made a scapegoat in order to orchestrate a vendetta against liberal circles, refused to apologize and was banished from Finland. Nordenski�ld's mother died in 1860 and he was not permitted to attend her funeral.

In 1858 Nordenski�ld participated on Otto Torell's expedition to the fjords on the west coast of Spitzbergen – it was his first arctic journey, and soon he had established a central place in Stockholm's scientific community. At the age of 26 he became the superintendent of the Mineralogical Department of the Swedish Royal Museum. Nordenski�ld held the office untul his death. Under his direction the mineralogical and geological collection covering northern regions grew rapidly and he also put together a collection of meteorites. When the governor-general changed in Finland, Nordenski�ld was able to visit his homeland. In 1863 he married Anna Maria Mannerheim; they had four children. Anna spent many summer holidays at her family's estate at Louhisaari. The Mannerheim's were one of Finland's most distinguished families (see Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, political and military leader, explorer, former general in the Russian Imperial Army, President of Finland from 1944 to 1946).

"But I shall go on. It is my plain duty." (Homer's legendary traveller Odysseus)

In the 1860s Nordenski�ld made further expeditions –1861, 1864, 1868, during which he became convinced that it is not possible to reach the Pole by ship. His expeditions were supported by the governor of Gothenburg and Bohus, Count Albert Ehrensv�rd, the Russian merchant Aleksandr Sibiriakov, and Sweden's King Oscar II. Oscar Dickson, a wealthy merchant, sponsored his journey to Greenland in 1870. He penetrated the island farther than ever been done before. In 1872 he tried unsuccessfully reach the North Pole. He had chosen reindeers as draught animals and they escaped at Mossel Bay camp in Spitzbergen. Scurvy and pleurisy attacked the men. On the 13th of March the sun was seen again. One of the explorers died in a snow storm. Nordenski�ld also travelled to Greenland in 1883 and explored the country from the west coast.

"Nordenski�ld's voyage around the northern continents of the Old World has been likened in its importance to James Cook's circumnavigation of Antarctica. Considered the leading expert on Arctic regions after his navigation of the North-east Passage, Nordenski�ld encouraged other explorers; these included Fritjof Nansen, whom he hoped would carry through the attempt to cross the Greenland icecap which he himself had been forced to abandon. . . . Nordenski�ld was the most important of his era's polar heroes, who were called Scandinavia's new Vikings. . . ." (Cecilia af Forselles-Riska in 100 Faces from Finland, 2000)

Before his fifth expedition, Nordenski�ld served two years in the Swedish lower house. During this period he became interested in the great northward-flowing rivers of Siberia. In 1875 and 1876 he led expeditions across the Kara Sea and to the Yenisei River, and found a passage from Norway to the Yenisei, which has been in use ever since. Between the years 1878 and 1879, Nordenski�ld made his most famous journey through the Northeast Passage. Up to then, the icy barrier seemed to be impassable. Nordenski�ld started his journey from Karlskrona on June 22, 1878, abroad the steamship Vega. When small boats had failed to find the passage, a powerful steamship might succeed, he believed . Vega, built in Bremerhaven in 1872-73, was a 43 metres long whaling ship and had a 60 horse-power steam engine. The crew consisted of 21 men, plus numerous scientists and officers. The commander of Vega was the Swedish naval lieutenant Louis Palander.

"Huhu kummallisten muukalaisten tulosta n�kyy �kki� levinneen. Meit� k�ytiin nimitt�in et��mm�lt�kin katsomassa, ja Vega muuttui pian lev�hdyspaikaksi, johon jokainen ohimenev� muutamaksi tunniksi koirinensa pys�htyi, uteliaisuuttaan tyydytt�m��n, tahi hyv�st� puheesta eli muusta tuntuvammasta tavarasta saamaan l�mp�ist� ruokaa, v�h�n tupakkaa ja joskus pahalla s��ll� ryypynkin, jota tshuktshit nimitt�v�t ram'iksi. T�m� sana ei johdy ruotsalais-norjalaisesta dram sanasta, vaan englantilaisesta sanasta rum." (from Vegan matka Asian ja Europan ymp�ri, translated into Finnish in 1881-83)

Accompanied with three other ships, Nordenski�ld sailed on Vega to the Bering Strait, where spent in ice the ten month winter, and then continued to Japan. With a strong vessel Nordenski�ld had demonstrated that one could navigate the North-east passage, but in wider scale shipping did not began until the mid 20th century. Nordenski�ld returned to Europe by the Suez Canal. He reached Yokohama on September 2, 1879, as a celebrated hero. It was 325 years since Willoughby and Chancellor had first attempted the passage and 230 years since Dezhnyon had demonstrated that the journey was feasible. For his achievements, Nordenski�ld was created in 1880 a baron, and in 1893 he was appointed director of the Swedish Academy. Although commercially the journey did not open expected traffic through the Bering Strait, the adventure attracted peoples imagination – it was the time, when Jules Verne published his Voyages extraordinaires , which expressed the fascination with adventure and exploration, and Stanley had found Livingstone from the jungles of Africa.

 "The only true voyage of discovery is not to go to new places, but have other eyes." (Marcel Proust in Remembrance of Things Past, 1913-1927)

With experts from different fields of science Nordenski�ld published his results in the bestsellers Nordost-passagen (1897) and Vegas f�rd kring Asien och Europa (1881). The remaining years of his life he spent in the study of early cartography. His eldest son Gustaf, who wrote an ethnographic study of the cliff dwellers of Mesa Verde, died in 1895. It was a hard blow to Nordenski�ld; Gustaf had been a continuator of his legacy. Nordenski�ld died in Dalby, S�dermanland, on August 12, 1901. His map collection – 24,000 historical maps from the 15th century onwards – was sold to the Imperial Alexander University of Helsinki.

The most famous explorers of the period became household names, whose discoveries were discussed by the public at large. National pride was one of the motives behind the geographic expeditions. The Finnish writer Zachris Topelius praised his former countryman in a poem: "G�, barn av tiden, fritt och k�ckt, / g�, unga vind, g�, morgonfl�kt / fr�n soliga Europa! Varhelst f�r verk som ej f�rg�r / du allt f�rsakar, all f�rm�r, / d � r  skall du finna Vegas sp�r." Nordenski�ld's voyages inspired many arctic researchers, among them the Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen, Russian Stepan Makarov and American Robert Peary. When Vega sailed to Stockholm in 1880, Nordenski�ld became the hero of the fifteen-year old Sven Hedin, who later became Nordenski�ld's prot�g�e and gained fame as an explorer of Asia.

For further reading: The Arctic Voyages of Adolf Erik Nordenski�ld, 1858-1879 by A. Leslie (1879); Adolf Erik Nordenski�ld och hans uppt�cktsf�rder 1858-1879 jemte en lefnadsteckning af �ngaren Vegas chef kapten Louis Palander by Th. M. Fries (1880); Nordenski�ld. Notice sur vie et ses voyages by Ch. Flauhault (1880); Nordenski�lds-bibliografi: f�rteckning �fver A.E. Nordenski�lds skrifter by J.M. Hulth (1902); Adolf Erik Nordenski�ld by Sven Hedin (1926); Nordenski�ld, merenkulkija by Henrik Ramsay (1950); Noth-East Passage. Adolf Erik Nordenski�ld, His Life and Times by George Kish (1973); A.E. Nordenski�ld - a Scientist and his Library by Esko H�kli (1980); Matka-arkku, ed. by Markku L�yt�nen (1989);  M�nts�l�-albumi: A. E. Nordenski�ldin vierailu Pietariin, M�nts�l��n ja Helsinkiin tammikuussa 1881 by Martti Bl�field (1982); 100 Faces from Finland, ed. by Ulpu Marjomaa (2000); Ultima Thule: Arctic Explorations by Matti Lainema, Juha Nurminen et al. (2001); An Arctic Passage to the Far East: The Visit of the Swedish Vega Expedition to Meiji Japan in 1879, eds. Urban Wr�kberg and Gunilla Lindberg-Wada (2002); Koillisv�yl�n l�yt�j�: tutkimusmatkaaja Adolf Erik Nordenski�ld J��merell� by Markku L�yt�nen (2005) - Note: Nordenski�ld's nephew Otto Nordenski�ld, professor of geography at G�teborg University from 1905, explored in the 1890s Patagonia. He traveled through the Klondike and Alaska and also explored the south polar regions and Greenland.

Selected works:

  • Om grafitens och chondroditens kristallformer, akademisk afhandling, 1855
  • Beskrifning �fver de i Finland funna mineralier, 1855 (rev. ed., 1863)
  • Finlands mollusker beskrifne af A.E. Nordenski�ld, 1856
  • F�rs�k till en theoretisk ber�kning af sammansatta �mnens egentliga vigter, 1857
  • Bidrag till l�ran om den kristallografiska isomorfin och dimorfin, 1858
  • Bidrag till l�ran om den kristallografiska isomorfin och dimorfin, 1858
  • F�rs�k till en theoretisk ber�kning af den v�rme, som utvecklas vid f�rbr�nning af flytande organiska f�reningar, 1858
  • Ber�kning af fasta landets h�jning vid Stockholm, 1858
  • Der schwedischen und finnischen Naturforscher Torell,  Quennerstedt  und Nordenski�lds's Reise nach Spitzbergen im Sommer 1858, 1859
  • Bidrag till k�nnedomen af i Sverige f�rekommande yttrotantal- och yttroniob-mineralier, 1860  
  • F�rs�k att framst�lla kristalliserad thorjord och tantalsyra, 1860
  • F�rs�k att framst�lla kristalliserad thorjord och tantalsyra, 1860 (with J.J. Chydenius)
    - On Obtaining Thorina and Tantalic Acid in Chrystals (transl. in Chem. News, Vol. 4, 1861)
  • Om vanadin- och molybdensyrans kristallformer, 1860
  • Bidrag till k�nnedomen om oxidernas kristallformer, 1861
  • Geografisk och geognostisk beskrifning �fver nord�stra delarne af Spetsbergen och Hinlopen Strait, 1863
  • Geografiska ortsbest�mningar p� Spetsbergen, ber�knade och sammanst�llda af D. G. Lindhagen, 1863 
  • Om tantalitartade mineralier fr�n nejden af Torro, 1863
  • Anteckningar till Spetsbergens geografi, 1865 (with N. Dun�r)
  • Karta �fver Spetsbergen, 1865 (with N. Dun�r)
  • Om sammans�ttningen af jernhaltiga kollo�d-silikater, 1866 (with T. Cleve)
  • Utkast till Spetsbergens geologi, 1866
    - Sketch of the Geology of Spitzbergen (transl. 1867)
  • F�rberedande unders�kningar r�rande utf�rbarheten af en gradm�tning p� Spetsbergen, 1866 (with N. Dun�r)
  • Unders�kning af selenmineralierna, 1867
    - On Crookesite, a New Mineral Containing Thallium (transl. in Chem. News, Vol. 16, 1867)
  • Svenska expeditionen till Spetsbergen �r 1864 om bord p�
    Axel Thordsen, under ledning af A. E. Nordenski�ld, 1867
  • Utdrag ur ett bref af Professor Oswald Heer r�rande fossila vexter fr�n Nordvestra Arnerika, insamiade af bergm�staren Hj. Furuhjelm, 1868
  • Om temperaturens inflytande p� vattnets f�rm�ga att uppl�sa salter, 1868
  • Om hydrofluoceritens r�tta sammans�ttning, 1868
    - H�martit = Hydro Fluocerit (transl. in Journal f. prakt. Chem., Bd 106, 1869)
  • Karta �fver hafvet emellan Spetsbergen och Gr�nland utvisande �ngfartyget Sofias kurser under den svenska polarexpeditionen 1868, 1869
  • 1868 �rs svenska polarexpedition under ledning af A. E. Nordenski�ld och Fr. V. Otter, 1869
    - Account of the Swedish North-Polar Expedition of 1868 (transl. in Proceed. R. Geogr. Soc., Vol. 13, 1868-69)
  • Sveriges inflytande p� mineralogiens utveckling. Ett blad ur v�r kulturhistoria, 1870
  • Spridda bidrag till Skandinaviens mineralogi, 1870
  • F�rteckning p� meteoriter i Riksmusei mineralogiska samlingar, 1870
  • Astronomiska ortbest�mningar under Svenska polarexpeditionen 1868, 1870
  • Meteorstensfallet vid Hessle den 1 Januari 1869. Med tv� taflor, 1870
  • Platin in Lappland, 1870
  • Om anslag, till forts�ttning af landets geologiska unders�kning samt om Geologiska karteverkets f�renande med Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, 1871
  • Redog�relse f�r en expedition till Gr�nland �r 1870, 1871
    - Account of an Expedition to Greenland in the Year 1870 (transl. in Geol. Magazine, Vol. 9, 1872)
  • F�redrag vid Kongl. Vetenskapsakademiens h�gtidsdag den 5 April 1872: Om meteoriter och s�rsk. om meteorjernet fr�n Ovifak, 1872 
    - Remarks on the Greenland Meteorites (transl. in Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. 28, 1872)
  • Om fasta och flytande enkla �mnens atomvolumer, 1872
  • Om kristallvattnets infiytande p� kristaliformen, 1873
  • Die Schlittenfahrt der Schwedischen Expedition im nord�stlichen Theile von Spitzbergen, 24 April—15 Juni 1873, 1873
  • Om kosmiskt stoft, som med nederb�rden faller till jordytan, 1874
  • Om cacholong, 1874
  • Kristallografisk och kemisk unders�kning af n�gra fluormineralier fr�n Ivituk i Gr�nland, 1874-75
  • Om f�rekomsten af leucopyrit vid Brevig, 1874-75
  • Redog�relse f�r den svenska polarexpeditionen �r 1872-1873, 1875
  • Svenska f�rden till Novaja Semlja och mynningen af Jenisej, sommaren 1875: meddelanden uti bref och telegram till grosshandlaren Oscar Dickson fr�n A. E. Nordenski�ld, 1875
  • F�redrag vid Kongl. Vetenskapsakademiens h�gtidsdag den 31 Mars 1875: om det forna polarklimatet, 1875
    - On the Former Climate of the Polar Regions (transl. in Geol. Mag., Vol. 2, 1875)
  • Utkast till Isfjordens och Belsounds geologi, 1875
    - Sketch of the Geology of Ice Sound and Bell Sound (transl. in Geol. Mag., Vol. 3, 1876)
  • F�redrag vid Kongl. Vetenskapsakademiens h�gtidsdag den 3 1 Mars 1876: om vulkaniskt askregn den 30/3 1875, 1875
    - Distant Transport of Volcanic Dust (transl. Geol. Mag. Vol. 3, 1876)
  • Svenska f�rden till Novaja Semlja och mynningen af Jenisej, sommaren 1875, 1876
    - Nordenski�ld's Arctic Expedition (transl. in Nature, Vol. 12, 1875) / Prof. Nordenski�ld on the Jenisei (transl. in Nature, Vol. 13, 1875-76)
  • Ber�ttelse om Jenissej-expeditionen �r 1876, 1876
    - Nordenski�ld's Expedition to the Jenisei (transl. in Nature, Vol. 15, 1876-77)
  • Redog�relse f�r en expedition till mynningen af Jenissej och
    Sibirien �r 1875, 1876
  • Redog�relser f�r de svenska expeditionerna till mynningen
    af Jenisej �r 1876 af A. E. Nordenski�ld och HJ. Th�el, 1877
  • Ett blad ur de svenska naturvetenskapernar historia, 1877
    - A Leaf from the Historu of Swedish Natural Science (transl. in Nature, Vol. 21, 1879-80)
  • F�redrag vid Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens h�gtidsdag den 31 Mars 1877: om St�lldalsmeteoren, 1877
    - The St�lldalen Meteorite (transl. in Nature, Vol. 16, 1877)
  • Framst�llning r�rande 1878 �rs ishafsf�rd, 1877
    - Memorial Concerning the Arctic Expedition of 1878 (transl. 1877)
  • Nils Adolf Erik Nordenski�ld, 1877
  • Mineralogiska bidrag. Cleveit, ett nytt yttro-uran mineral fr�n Garta felsspatsbrott n�ra Arendal. Trenne m�rkeliga eldmeteorer, sedda i Sverige under �ren 1876 och 1877, 1878-79
    - On Two Meteors Observed in Sweden in 1877 (transl. in Nature, Vol. 20, 1879)
  • Sur une nouvelle esp�ce min�rale nomm�e thauniasite, 1878
  • Nordost-passagen: vid Publicist klubbens fest f�r Nordenski�ld den 30 april 1880, 1879
  • The Arctic Voyages of Adolf Eric Nordenski�ld, 1879  
  • F�rslag till inr�ttandet af riksparker i de nordiska l�nderna, 1880
  • Om m�jligheten att idka sj�fart i det Sibiriska ishafvet, 1880
  • Sur les points de l’oc�an arctique de Sib�rie qui pr�sentent le plus d’obstacles pour la navigation, 1880
  • N�gra meddelanden fr�n Professor Nordenski�ld om urbergens vittring p� Japan, vid Hongkong och p� Ceylon [i bref till A. G. Nathorst], 1880-81
  • F�redrag vid Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens h�gtidsdag den 31 Mars 1881: Om jordb�fningar och jordskalf, 1881
  • Vegas f�rd kring Asien och Europa jemte en historisk �terblick p� f�reg�ende resor l�ngs gamla verldens nordkust 1-2, 1881
    - The Voyage of the Vega Round Asia and Europe: With Historical Review of Previous Journeys along the North Coast of the Old World. 1- 2  (translated by Alexander Leslie, 1881)
    Vegan matka Asian ja Europan ymp�ri ynn� historiallinen katsahdus edellisiin pitkin vanhan mailman pohjoisrannikkoja tehtyihin l�yt�retkiin. 1-2 (suom. Frans Gideon Bergroth, 1881-83) 
  • Om underd�nig skrifvelse ang�ende utredande i hvad m�n �tg�rder kunde vidtagas f�r att inskr�nka den tid, under hvilken sj�farten p� Sveriges hamnar �r st�ngd af is, 1882
  • Om sj�fart mellan Ob-Jenisej och Atlanten, stenogr. uppteckn. af ett f�redrag h�llet...den 20 januari 1882, 1882
  • Vega-expedditionens vetenskapliga iakttagelsen bearbetade af deltagare i resan och andra forskare, 1882-87 (with others)
  • Studier och forskningar f�ranledda af mina resor i h�ga Norden. Ett popul�t vetenskapligt bihang till "Vegas f�rd kring Asien och Europa", 1883
  • Om den geologiska betydelsen af kosmiska �mnens nedfallande till jordytan s�rskildt med afseende p� den Kant-. Laplace'ska teorien, 1883
  • Om br�derna Zenos resor och de �ldsta kartor �fver Norden. Tal vid presidiets nedl�ggande i K. Vetenskaps-Akademien d. 12 April 1882. Med Claudii Clavi karta och beskrifning �fver norden, i facsimile, 1883
  • Letter to Mr R. H. Major Concerning the Discovery of an Ancient Map in Iceland, 1883
  • Den svenska expeditionen till Gr�nland �r 1883. Rapporter afgifna till D:r O. Dickson, 1883
    - Nordenskil�d's Greenland Expedition (transl. in Nature, Vol. 28, 1883; Vol. 29, 1883-84)
  • Trois cartes pr�colombiennes repr�sentant une partie de l’Am�rique (Groenland). Fac-similes pr�sent�s au Congr�s intern. des Am�ricanistes � Copenhague 1883, 1883  
  • Det blifvande expedition till Gr�nland, 1883
    - Baron Nordenski�ld's Expedition to Greenland (transl. in Nature, Vol. 28, 1883)
  • Om skrifvelse till Kongl. Maj:t r�rande vilkoren f�r upps�ttande af enskilda telefonledningar, 1884
  • Nedfallandet af stenar tillsammans med mycket stora hagel vid Broby m. fl. st�llen i Vestmanland, 1884
  • Gammal framst�llning af mammutdjuret, 1884
    - An Old Drawing of a Mammon (transl. in Nature, Vol. 32, 1885)
  • Pok, en gr�nl�ndare, som varit p� resor och efter hemkomsten f�rt�ljer derom till sina landsm�n. Efter en handskrift funnen hos gr�nl�ndarna vid Godthaab, 1884
  • Om en m�rklig globkarta fr�n b�rjan af sextonde seklet, 1884
    - A Remarkable Globe Map of the Sixteenth Century (transl. by Nere A. Elfving, in Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc., 1884)
  • Den andra Dicksonska expeditionen till Gr�nland, dess inre is�ken och dess ostkust utf�rd �r 1883 under bef�l, 1885
  • Beskrifning �fver de i Finland funna mineralier, 1885
  • N�gra drag ur de ursprungliga eskim�ernas kultur och lefnadss�tt. Meddelande, 1885
  • Mineralogiska bidrag. Kainosit, ett nytt mineral fr�n Hitter�, i Norge. Arksutit fr�n Ivigtut i Gr�nland. Om gadolinitjordens atomvigt. Unders�kning af ett kosmiskt stoft, som nedfallit p� Cordillererna n�ra San Fernando i Chili, 1886
    - On the Atomic Weight of Oxide of Gadolinium (transl. in Chem. News, Vol. 54, 1886)
  • Bem�tande af anm�rkningar som riktats mot min skildring af Vegas f�rd kring Asien och Europa, 1886
    - Reply to Criticism upon "The Voyage of the Vega around Asia and Europe (transl. by Nere A. Elfing, in Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc., 1886)
  • Ytterligare iakttagelser om gadolinitjordens atomvigt, 1887
  • Den f�rsta p� verkliga iakttagelser grundade karta �fver norra Asien, 1887
  • Om ett enkelt f�rh�llande mellan v�gl�ngderna i en del �mnens spektra, 1887
  • F�redrag: om svenska vallens h�jning, vid Vetenskapsakademiens �rsh�gtid den 26 Mars 1888, 1888
    - On the Gradual Rising of the Land in Sweden (transl. in Nature, Vol. 39, 1888/89)
  • Utkast till en svensk antarktisk expedition. F�redrag i Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien d. 8 jan. 1890, 1889
  • Facsimile-atlas till kartografiens �ldsta historia: inneh�llande afbildningar af de vigtigaste kartor, tryckta f�re �r 1600, 1889
    - Facsimile-Atlas to the Early History of Cartography: With Reproductions of the Most Important Maps Printed in the XV and XVI Centuries  (transl. from the Swedish original by Johan Adolf Ekel�f and Clements R. Markham, 1889)
  • Om isoleringen af fluor. F�redrag vid Vetenskapsakademiens h�gtidsdag d. 31 mars 1890, 1890
  • Ytterligare om gadolinit-jordens molekylar-vigt, 1891
  • Om ett aftryck fr�n XV:de seklet af den i metall graverade verldskarta, som f�rvarats i kardinal Stephan Borgias museum i Velletri, 1891
  • Bj�rlings resa till Melville bay p� Gr�nlands vestkust. Meddelande, 1891
  • foreword: General Prschevalskij�s forskningsresor i Centralasien 1870-1885, 1891 (introduction by Sven Hedin)
  • Carl Wilhelm Scheele. Efterlemnade bref och anteckningar, 1892 (editor)
  • Bidrag till Nordens �ldsta kartografi, vid fyrahundra�rsfesten till minne af nya verldens uppt�ckt, utgifna af Svenska s�llskapet f�r antropologi och geografi 1892, 1892
  • Om stoftfallet i Sverige och angr�nsande l�nder den 3:dje maj 1892, 1893
  • Jemf�relse af legender p� portolaner, 1894
  • Om kapten C. A. Larsens sydishafsf�rd 1893—94. Meddelande, 1884
  • Apofyllitens fluorhalt, 1894
  • Sur une nouvelle esp�ce de puits dans les roches granitiques de la Su�de, 1895
  • R�sum� of an Essay on the Early History of Charts and Sailing Directions, 1895
  • Om borrningar efter vatten i urberget, 1896
    - Discovery by Baron Nordenski�ld That Fresh Water Will Be Found by Boring Through Hard Chrystalline Rocks for 30-35 Meters (transl. by C.R. Markham, in The Geogr. Journal, Vol. 10, 1897)
  • Intr�destal i Svenska Akademien den 20 December 1893, 1886
  • Periplus: utkast till sj�kortens och sj�b�ckernas �ldsta historia med talrika afbildningar af sj�kort och kartor, 1897
    - Periplus: An Essay on the Early History of Charts and Sailing-Directions (transl. from the Swedish original by Francis A. Bather, 1897)
  • Om flytande v�gbrytare, 1897
    - Studies among the Drift-Ice of the Polar Seas with Reference to the Construction of the Floating Breakwaters (transl. in The Geogr. Journal, Vol. 11, 1898)
  • Tvenne fotografier af sn�kristaller, 1898
  • Om det inflytande Marco Polos reseber�ttelse ut�fvat p� Gastaldis kartor �fver Asien, 1899
    - The Influence of the "Travels of Marco Polo" on Jacobo Gastaldi's Maps of Asia (transl. in The Geogr. Journal, Vol. 13, 1899)
  • Mineral, som inneh�lla s�llsynta jordarter, 1899
    - On the Discovery and Occurrence of Minerals Containing Rare Elements Quart, (transl. in Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. 56, 1900)
  • Randteckningar i gamia handskrifter af Datis La Sfera, 1900
  • Einige Bemerkungen zu der vorstehenden [Zur Zusammensetzung des Eisens von Ovifak in Gr�nland und der bitumin�sen Kohle (des Kolms) aus der cambrischen Formation Westerg�tlands] brieflichen Mittheilung des Herrn Professors Clemens Winkler, 1901
  • Vegas f�rd kring Asien och Europa: illustrationerna �r h�mtade ur originalupplagen som utkom �r 1880, 1960 (edited by G�ran Schildt)
  • Nordostpassagen: med 60 helsideill. ur originaluppl. av Vegas f�rd kring Asien och Europa, 1975 (edited by Jakob Gunnarsson)

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Some rights reserved Petri Liukkonen (author) & Ari Pesonen. Kuusankosken kaupunginkirjasto 2008

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