British author of more
than 700 titles, mostly of Cinderella stories set in the 19th
century. Barbara Cartland rose to her status as the queen
of romantic fiction during the 1960s and maintained her
record-breaking, prolific writing pace through decades. Cartland
portrayed the English upper-class world, where her characters live with
the manners and ideals of an aristocratic culture. Becoming a
caricature of her own work, Cartland was known for her love of pink
chiffon clothing and jewelry.
"He kissed her until she was no
longer herself but his, and it was so wonderful that it was impossible
to think of anything except that she loved him and he filled her whole
world, and she was no longer afraid." (in Love
on the Wind, 1983)
Barbara Cartland was born in Edgbaston, West Midlands, into a
wealthy family. She attended Malvern Girls' College and Abbey House,
Netley Abbey, Hampshire. Her grandfather committed suicide when he went
bankrupt and father was killed in Flanders in 1918. Cartland was reared
by her strong mother, who moved the family to London and opened her own
business, a dress shop in Kensington.
Cartland was one of the 'bright young things' of the post-war
period – she was independent, talented, and smart. She also
married well. Her first step into fame was her work as a Fleet Street
reporter. In her book of memoirs, We Danced All Night: 1919-1929
(1970), Cartland depicted how she made her way among the influential
and the beautiful after leaving school and the sheltered world of a
child in 1919. "Now the restrictions were ended. I was out! I was
grown-up! I was expected overnight to be amusing, gay, and attractive
to men. And incredible though it seemed, I was!" As a journalist
Cartland wrote gossip columns for the Daily Express. At the age
of 20 she started her first novel. Cartland's success began from
Jigsaw (1925), which sold 100,000 copies in hardback. In the 1920s
she wrote the play Blood Money and two other novels. Her
output of book grew steadily, averaging over 20 in the mid-1970s. By
1993, Cartland's books had sold over 600 million copies.
During World War II Cartland was Chief Lady Welfare Officer
for Bedfordshire (1941-45). Her brother, Ronald Cartland, was the first
Member of Parliament to be killed in the war. She also acted as a
political speaker for the Conservatives, county councillor for
Hertfordshire (nine years), chairman of the St. John Council, deputy
president of St. John Ambulance Brigade, and president of Hertfordshire
branch of Royal Coolege of Midwives. In the 1960s she founded the
National Association of Health and was its president.
Cartland also fought for better conditions and salaries for
Midwives and Nurses. She championed the cause for old people and had
the law altered regarding gypsies – local authorities had to
provide camps for their own gypsies. She had also her own Romany
Gypsy Camp called Barbaraville. Cartland herself lived on her luxurious
estate 15 miles north of London, but she founded the first Romany Gypsy
camp in the world, giving a portion of her 300-acre estate to them.
Camfield Place, in Hertfordshire, the estate of author Beatrix Potter,
was later owned by Cartland; she moved there in 1950. In her
autobiographies Cartland revealed her interest in natural health. She
advocated such treatments as acupuncture, holistic medicine, and health
foods. Controversially, when she gave interviews, she was caked with
Cartland married in 1927 Alexander George McCorquodale (d.
1964), and became step-mother of the mother of Raine, Countess Spencer,
step-mother of the late Princess of Wales, Diana Spencer. After divorce
Cartland married Hugh McCorquodale in 1936 (d. 1963), a cousin of her
first husband. In 1991 Cartland was made Dame of the Order of the
British Empire. Among her several awards are Dame of Grace, St. John of
Jerusalem, Certificate of Merit, Eastern Command (1946), National Home
Furnishings Associations Woman of the Year Award (1981), Bishop Wright
Air Industry award (1984), and Gold Medal of the City of Paris for
Achievement (1988).
In the Guinness Book of Records Cartland was listed
for writing 26 books in 1983. Actually, she did not write,
but dictated her works most of her career. At the age of 77, she
doubled her output from 10 books a year to the average of two volumes
per month. Barbara Cartland died on May 21, 2000, after a short
illness. During her career she published 723 works, which were
translated into some 40 languages. Cartland also wrote film scripts.
She left behind 130 unpublished novels wrapped in pink ribbon. They
started to appear in 2004 in a series called The Barbara Cartland Pink
Collection. Many of them are set in Regency England. The first
title was The Cross of Love.
Cartland's novels are very moral and always have a happy
ending. Her heroines are innocent and submissive, heroes are dashing
dukes, and her advices to her readers are practical: "To make a man
happy a woman has to be loving, compassionate and very sympathetic. But
she also has to stimulate his mind and keep him alert and interested.
Most of all she has to inspire him to do the best of which he is
capable and to try to reach the stars." (in Paradise
Found, 1986) Love is the life force of
everything and conquers all obstacles. Through her goodness and inner
worth, the heroine transforms the roaming hero, most often an
aristocrat or noble, into responsibility towards her.
Cartland claimed to write a book in seven days. Her nonfiction
works include autobiographies, books
on health, food, vitamins, and beauty. But she is best remembered for
her quasi-historial Regency, Victorian, and Edwardian romances, a genre
which was largely ignored until the 1960s. After Georgette Heyer, generally considered the best
of the modern Regency romance authors, found out that
Cartland's Knave of Hearts (1950) had similarities with
her These Old Shades (1926) the book was reissued in the
United States under a new title, The Innocent Heiress (1970),
and a cover heading: "In the tradition of Georgette Heyer". After 1960,
Cartland gained a wide American readership, when her books
were reprinted in paperback format.
Sometimes Cartland dealt with factual characters, as in Josephine,
Empress of France (1961), Metternich: The Passionate Diplomat
(1964), and Love on the Wind (1983). It was based on her
visit in Hyderabad in February 1982. In the story Sita is forced to
accompany her uncle on his voyage to Calcutta. She attempts to throw
herself overboard, but is prevented by a mysterious stranger, who also
rescues her from kidnappers in Hyderabad, but again disappears. In the
background of the story is the introduction of the Ilbert Bill by the
Viceroy, Lord Ripon. It lead to plan by the Assam tea planter to kidnap
the Viceroy.
Love at the Helm was completed with the help and
inspiration of the Late Admiral of the Fleet, the Earl Mountbatten of
Burma. The book was sold for the Mountbatten Memorial Trust. In I
Seek the Miraculous (1977) Cartland revealed her spiritual
experiences, concluding that those who "give out love become one with
the whole living, breathing force of the universe and God." The theme of personal
growth is often prominent in Cartland's novels, in which the central
characters must experience conflicts before gaining insight of
themselves. Although Cartland wrote occasionally contemporary romances,
she preferred the idealized world of the 19th century – a statement on
the values of the modern western civilization. "Equality with men is
rubbish," she said in a 1983 interview. "It's a mistake for women to
take men's jobs; men don't like women over them. My son says that so
many working women today have these dreadful, strident voices." (Romance Revolution: Erotic Novels for Women and the
Quest for a New Sexual Identity by Carol Thurston, 1987, p. 44)
For further reading: Barbara Cartland, Crusader in Pink
by Henri Cloud (1979); I Reach for the Stars:
An Autobiography by Barbara Cartland (1995); Contemporary Popular Writers, ed.
David Mote (1997); Encyclopedia of Pulp Fiction Writers by Lee
Server (2002) - See also other bestseller writers Harold Robbins, Irwing Wallace, Louis L'Amour
Selected works:
- Jig-Saw, 1925
- Sawdust, 1926
- IIf the Tree Is Saved,1929
- For What?, 1930
- Sweet Punishment , 1931
- A Virgin in Mayfair, 1932
- Just Off Piccadilly, 1933
- Not Love Alone, 1933
- A Beggar Wished, 1934
- Passionate Attainment, 1935
- First Class, Lady?, 1935
- Touch the Stars, 1935
- Dangerous Experiment, 1936
- Desperate Defiance, 1936
- The Forgotten City, 1936
- Saga at Forty, 1937
- But Never Free, 1937
- Broken Barriers, 1938
- Bitter Winds, 1938
- Rakkaus yllättää (suom. Sari Luhtanen, 1988)
- The Gods Forget, 1939
- The Black Panther, 1939
- Stolen Halo, 1940
- Now Rough, Now Smooth, 1941
- Open Wings: A Twenty-Third Novel, 1942
- The Leaping Flame, 1942
- Sleeping Swords, 1942
- Ronald Cartland, 1942
- The Isthmus Years, 1943
- The Dark Stream, 1944
- After the Night, 1944
- Yet She Follows, 1945
- Escape from Passion, 1945
- Intohimoa pakoon (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1988)
- Armour Against Love, 1945
- Out of Reach, 1945
- The Hidden Heart, 1946
- You - In the Home, 1946
- Against the Stream, 1946
- The Dream Within, 1947
- IIf We Will, 1947
- Again This Rapture, 1947
- No Heart is Free, 1948
- The Years of Opportunity: 1939-1945, 1948
- A Hazard of Hearts, 1949
- The Enchanted Moment, 1949
- A Duel of Heats, 1949
- The Knave of Hearts, 1950 (US title: The Innocent Heiress,
- The Little Pretender, 1950
- Etiquette Handbook, 1950
- Love is an Eagle, 1951
- A Ghost in Monte Carlo, 1951
- Love Is Mine, 1952
- Love Is the Enemy, 1952
- Vastustajana rakkaus (suom. Maritta Raitio, 1989)
- Cupid Rides Pillion, 1952
- The Passionate Pilgrim, 1952
- Blue Heather, 1953
- Elizabethan Lover, 1953
- Love Me For Ever, 1954
- The Fascinating Forties, 1954
- Desire of the Heart, 1954
- Wings on My Heart, 1954
- Bewitching Women, 1955
- Marriage for Moderns, 1955
- The Enchanted Waltz, 1955
- Lumottu valssi (suomentanut Leila Vuori, 1973)
- The Kiss of the Devil, 1955
- The Captive Heart, 1956
- The Coin of Love, 1956
- Be Vivid, Be Vital, 1956
- Polly, My Wonderful Mother, 1956
- The Outrageous Queen: A Biography of Christina of Sweden,
- The Kiss of Paris, 1956
- Love Forbidden, 1957
- Love, Life and Sex, 1957
- The Scandalous Life of King Carol, 1957
- Sweet Adventure, 1957
- Stars in My Heart, 1957
- The Thief of Love, 1957
- Look Lovely, Be Lovely, 1958
- The Private Life of Charles II: The Women He Loved, 1958
- The Golden Gondola, 1958
- Lights of Love, 1958
- Rakkauden valot (suom. Kiti Teräs, 1989)
- The Sweet Enchantress, 1958
- Lumottu laiva (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1989)
- The Private Life of Elizabeth Empress of Austria, 1959
- Vitamins for Vitality, 1959
- A Kiss of Silk, 1959
- Morsian vastoin tahtoaan (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1988)
- Love in Hiding, 1959
- Rakkaus piilottelee (suom. Maire Nopanen)
- The Smuggled Heart, 1959
- Love Under Fire, 1960
- The Price Is Love, 1960
- The Runaway Heart, 1961 (as Barbara McCorquodale)
- Messenger of Love, 1961
- Husbands and Wives, 1961
- Josephine Empress of France, 1961
- Diane De Poitiers, 1962
- Etiquette Handbook, 1962
- A Light to the Heart, 1962
- The Wings of Love, 1962
- The Hidden Evil, 1963
- Love Is Dangerous, 1963
- The Many Facets of Love, 1963
- Metternich: The Passionte Diplomat, 1964
- Sex and the Teenager, 1964
- Danger by the Nile, 1964
- The Fire of Love, 1964
- The Unpredictable Bride, 1964
- Living Together, 1965
- The Pan Book of Charm, 1965
- Woman, the Enigma, 1965
- Love Holds the Cards, 1965
- Rakkaus sekoittaa kortit (suom. Sari Luhtanen, 1989)
- Love on the Run, 1965 (as Barbara McCorquodaley)
- Rakkaus karkumatkalla (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1989)
- Theft of a Heart, 1966
- A Virgin in Paris, 1966
- Love to the Rescue, 1967
- Pelastusköytenä rakkaus (suom. Helena Koskimaa, 1991)
- I Search for Rainbows: 1946-66, 1967
- The Youth Secret, 1968
- The Audacious Adventuress, 1968
- Love Is Contraband, 1968
- The Enchanting Evil, 1968
- The Unknown Heart, 1969
- The Innocent Heiress, 1970
- The Reluctant Bride, 1970
- Morsian vastoin tahtoaan (suomentanut Leila Vuori, 1974)
- The Secret Fear, 1970
- The Magic of Honey, 1970
- We Danced All Night: 1919-1929, 1970
- The Pretty Horse-Breakers, 1971
- The Queen's Messenger, 1971
- Stars in Her Eyes, 1971
- Lost Enchantment, 1972
- Ja rakkaus jää (suom. Kaarina Jaatinen, 1980) / Kadonnut lumous
(suom. Maire Nopanen, 1989)
- A Halo for the Devil, 1972
- Paholainen saa sädekehän (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1989)
- The Irresistible Buck, 1972
- Barbara Cartland's Health Food Cookery Book, 1972
- Barbara Cartland's Book of Beauty and Health, 1972
- The Complacent Wife, 1972
- Kreivin uusi onni (suom. Inkeri Pitkänen, 1980)
- Lines on Life and Love, 1972
- A Little Adventure, 1973
- Th Wicked Marquis, 1973
- The Odious Duke, 1973
- The Daring Deception, 1973
- Leikkiavioliitto (suom. Leila Vuori, 1975)
- Men Are Wonderful, 1973
- Armour Against Love, 1974
- Panssaroitu rakkaus (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1991)
- Journey to the Paradise, 1974
- No Darkness for Love, 1974
- The Bored Bridegroom, 1974
- Eksynyt sydän (suom. Kaarina Jaatinen, 1978)
- The Castle of Fear, 1974
- The Cruel Count, 1974
- The Dangerous Dandy, 1974
- Lessons In Love, 1974
- Rakkauden oppitunnit (suom. Karin Blomén, 1983)
- The Penniless Peer, 1974
- Olet minun, Fenella (suomentanut Auli Hurme, 1981)
- The Ruthless Rake, 1974
- The Glittering Lights, 1974
- Nuoren herttuan kaksoiselämä (suom. Tuija Keskinen, 1986)
- A Sword to the Heart, 1974
- Food for Love, 1975
- Fire on the Snow, 1975
- Liekehtivä lumi (suomentanut Inkeri Pitkänen, 1978)
- Bewitched, 1975
- The Call of the Heart, 1975
- The Devil in Love, 1975
- The Flame is Love, 1975
- Rakkauden liekki (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1985)
- The Frightened Bride, 1975
- The Impetuous Duchess, 1975
- The Karma of Love, 1975
- Love Is Innocent, 1975
- The Magnificent Marriage, 1975
- The Mask of Love, 1975
- Pako rakkauteen (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1986)
- Shadow of Sin, 1975
- The Tears of Love, 1975
- A Very Naughty Angel, 1975
- As Eagles Fly, 1975
- Say Yes, Samantha, 1975
- The Blue-Eyed Witch, 1976
- Sinisilmäinen noita (suomentanut Mirja Honkanen, 1983)
- The Magic Honey Cookbook, 1976
- The Elusive Earl, 1976
- Rakkautta et paeta voi (suom. Pitkänen, 1979)
- An Angel in Hell, 1976
- An Arrow of Love 1976
- The Dream from the Night, 1976
- The Fragrant Flower, 1976
- A Frame of Dreams, 1976
- A Gamble with Hearts, 1976
- The Golden Illusion, 1976
- The Heart Triumphant, 1976
- Hungry for Love, 1976
- The Husband Hunters, 1976
- Aviomiestä etsimässä (suom. Aira Korkeamäki, 1983)
- The Incredible Honeymoon, 1976
- A Kiss for the King, 1976
- Moon Over Eden, 1976
- Never Laugh at Love, 1976
- No Time for Love, 1976
- Passions in the Sand, 1976
- The Proud Princess, 1976
- Ylpeä prinsessa (suom. Aira Korkeamäki, 1983)
- The Secret of the Glen, 1976
- The Slaves of Love, 1976
- Rakkauden orjat (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1985)
- The Wild Cry of Love, 1976
- Conquered by Love, 1976
- The Disgraceful Duke, 1976
- Pahamaineinen herttua (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1984)
- The Magic of Love, 1976
- Rakkauden taikavoima (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1985)
- A Rhapsody of Love, 1976
- Rakkauden rapsodia (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1987)
- The Bitter Winds of Love, 1976 (new ed. of Bitter Winds,
- Rakkaus yllättää (suom. Sari Luhtanen, 1988)
- Kiss the Moonlight, 1977
- Suukkoja kuutamossa (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1987)
- Love Locked In, 1977
- The Wild, Unwilling Wife, 1977
- Kunnes aamu koittaa (suom. Pirjo-Riitta Syrjänen, 1981)
- The Sign of Love, 1977
- Rakkauden merkki (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1988)
- The Taming of Lady Lorinda, 1977
- Oikukas kaunotar (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1986)
- The Hell-Cat and the King, 1977
- Kuningas ja villikissa (suom. Maire Nopanen)
- A Duel with Destiny, 1977
- Kaksintaistelu kohtalon kanssa (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1984)
- The Outrageous Lady, 1977
- Aatelistyttö ja maantierosvo (suom. Tuija Keskinen, 1986)
- The Mysterious Maid-Servant, 1977
- No Escape from Love, 1977
- Vaarallista onnea Pariisissa (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1985)
- The Marquis Who Hated Women, 1977
- Naisia vihaava markiisi (suom. Martti Pulakka, 1986)
- Love in Pity, 1977
- Jääthän luokseni (suom. Kaarina Jaatinen, 1981)
- Look, Listen and Love, 1977
- Katsele, kuuntele ja rakasta (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1983)
- Punishment of a Vixen, 1977
- Äkäpussi kesytetään (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1988)
- Recipes for Lovers, 1977 (with Nigel Gordon)
- Vote for Love, 1977
- Äänioikeus rakkaudelle (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1987)
- Barbara Cartland's Book of Useless Information, 1977 (ed.,
foreword by Earl Mountbatten)
- Barbara Cartland's Book of Love and Lovers, 1978
- I Seek the Miraculous, 1978 (autobiography)
- The Ghost Who Fell in Love, 1978
- Kuusaman tuoksu (suom. Jorma Sinivalo, 1984)
- The Irresistible Force, 1978
- Vastustamaton voima (suom. Maire Nopanen)
- The Curse of the Clan, 1978
- Klaanin kirous (suom. Jorma Sinivalo, 1984)
- Flowers for the God of Love, 1978
- Koko maailma on sinun (suomentanut Maikku Konsin, 1981)
- A Fugitive of Love, 1978
- Itsemurha mielessä (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1986)
- I Seek the Miraculous, 1978
- Castle of Fear, 1978
- Tuulien teillä (suomentanut Auli Hurme, 1981)
- A Runaway Star, 1978
- Onnellisten tähtien alla (suom. Tuija Keskinen, 1986)
- The Passion and the Flower, 1978
- Ruhtinas ja tanssijatar (suom. Tuija Haarala, 1985)
- A Gentleman in Love, 1979
- Rakkauden salaisuus (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1988)
- The Light of Love, 1979 (editor)
- Bride to the King, 1979
- Kuninkaallinen morsian (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1985)
- Light of the Moon, 1979
- Ylpeä markiisi (suom. Jorma Sinivalo, 1984)
- Love Climbs In, 1979
- Vihattu holhooja (suom. Aira Korkeamäki, 1983)
- Love in the Clouds, 1979
- Rakkaus asuu vuorilla ( suomentanut Kaarina Jaatinen, 1981)
- A Nightingale Sang, 1979
- Suudelma vuosien takaa (suom. Tarmo Haarala, 1985)
- Who Can Deny Love?, 1979
- Liljojen neito (suomentanut Inkeri Pitkänen, 1982)
- The Drums of Love, 1979
- Rakkauden rummut (suom. Aira Korkeamäki, 1984)
- The Duke and the Preacher's Daughter, 1979
- Herttua ja papin tytär (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1984)
- Women Have Hearts, 1979
- Sydämet koetuksella (suom. Leena Mänttäri, 1987)
- The Light of Love: Lines to Live by Day by Day, 1980
- The Perfection of Love, 1980
- The Goddess and the Gaiety Girl, 1980
- Välttämätön valhe (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1988)
- Lola and the Sea Wolf, 1980
- Vieras astuu laivaan (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1985)
- The Waltz of Hearts, 1980
- Kielletty rakkaus (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1985)
- Little White Doves of Love, 1980
- Rakkauden valkeat kyyhkyset (suom. Jorma Sinivalo, 1984)
- Love in the Moon, 1980
- Rakkaus sekoittaa suunnitelmat (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1986)
- Lost Laughter, 1980
- Kun pilvet väistyvät (suomentanut Helkky Saariaho, 1981)
- Lucifer and the Angel, 1980
- Paholainen ja enkeli (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1987)
- Imperial Splendour, 1980
- Kätketty liekki (suomentanut Annikki Lievonen, 1981)
- Money, Magic and Marriage, 1980
- Amor puuttuu asiaan (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1985)
- The Wild, Unwilling Wife, 1980
- Kunnes aamu koittaa (suomentanut Pirjo-Riitta Syrjänen, 1981)
- Love, Lords, and Lady-Birds, 1980
- Tämä onnen tunne (suomentanut Inkeri Pitkänen, 1981)
- A Caretaker of Love, 1980
- Onnea pelissä (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1989)
- A Heart Is Stolen, 1980
- Kultainen sydän (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1987)
- Lost Laughter, 1980
- Kun pilvet väistyvät (suom. Helkky Saariaho, 1981)
- Afraid, 1981
- Pelko pois (suom. Karin Blomén, 1983)
- Dreams Do Come True, 1981
- Unelman toteutuvat (suom. Maire Vihtonen, 1984)
- The Heart of the Clan, 1981
- Vastahakoinen sulhanen (suom. Tuija Keskinen, 1986)
- The Lioness and the Lily, 1981
- Ansaan ahdistettu (suom. Tarmo Haarala, 1984)
- The River of Love, 1981
- Rakkauden virta (suomentanut Raija Rautiainen, 1983)
- Barbara Cartland's Scrapbook, 1981
- A Night of Gaiety, 1981
- Count the Stars, 1981
- Pelastava markiisi (suom. Jorma Sinivalo, 1984)
- From Hell to Heaven, 1981
- Markiisin kosto (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1987)
- Enchanted, 1981
- Carolinen epätoivo (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1985)
- Kneel for Mercy, 1982
- Light of the Gods, 1982
- Lucky in Love, 1982
- Kaunis orpotyttö (suom. Maija Kilanto, 1986)
- Moments of Love, 1982
- Onnesta suruun (suom. Marja Virtanen, 1986)
- Looking for Love, 1982
- Love and the Marquis, 1982
- The Call of the Highlands, 1982
- Näennäinen onni (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1987) / Rakkautta pilvien
yläpuolella (suom. Sari Luhtanen, 1988)
- Music from the Heart, 1982
- Sydämen sävel (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1988)
- The Poor Governess, 1982
- Vain kotiopettaja (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1987)
- Keep Young & Beautiful, 1982 (with Elinor Glyn)
- Riding to the Moon, 1982
- Ratsastus rakkauteen (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1989)
- Winged Victory, 1982
- Säälimätön kosto (suom. Leena Mänttäri, 1986)
- From Hate to Love, 1983
- Väärinkäsitys (suom. Tuija Keskinen, 1986)
- A Duke in Danger, 1983
- Vaarallinen kotiinpaluu (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1987)
- Love on the Wind, 1983
- Salaperäinen muukalainen (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1986)
- Love and Lucia, 1983
- Lucia ja rakkaus (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1987)
- Gypsy Magic, 1983
- Kuningas ja mustalainen (suom. Marja Virtanen, 1986)
- Tehtävä Monte
Carlossa (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1989)
- Wish for Love, 1983
- Rakkauden kaipuu (suom. Sari Luhtanen, 1988)
- Diona and Dalmatian, 1983
- Diona ja dalmatialainen (suom. P. J. Heino, 1991)
- Barbara Cartland's Etiquette for Love and Romance, 1984
- Getting Older, Growing Younger, 1984
- The Romance of Food, 1984
- Love Is Heaven, 1984
- Lemmen seitsemäs taivas (suom. Eero Heino, 1991)
- Love Comes West, 1984
- Amor matkaa länteen (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1991)
- Light of the Gods, 1984
- Pelottava ehdotus (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1987)
- Help from the Heart, 1984
- Karkumatkalla kohti rakkautta (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1988)
- Royal Punishment, 1984
- Rangaistuksena rakkaus (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1988)
- Journey to a Star, 1984
- Rakkauden tähti (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1986)
- Barbara Cartland's Princess to the Rescue, 1984
- Theresa and a Tiger, 1984
- Theresa ja tiikeri (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1990)
- Barbara Cartland's Book of Health, 1985
- Escape, 1985
- Never Forget Love, 1986
- Rakkaus ei kuihdu (suom. Kiti Teräs, 1990)
- Paradise Found, 1986
- A Dream in Spain, 1986
- The Love Puzzle, 1986
- Rakkauden palapeli (suom. Ritva Grönstrand, 1989)
- Lovers in Lisbon, 1987
- Lissabonin lemmenpari (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1989)
- A World of Love, 1987
- Rakkauden maailma (suom. Maire Nopanen, 1989)
- For All Eternity, 1987
- Lovers in Paradise, 1987
- Imperial Splendour, 1988
- A Year of Royal Days, 1988
- A Knight in Paris, 1989
- Desire in the Desert, 1989
- The Curse of the Clan, 1989
- Solita and the Spies, 1989
- The Magic of Love, 1989
- Revenge Is Sweet, 1990
- The Marquis Wins, 1990
- Taming of the Tigress, 1990
- Beauty or Brains?, 1990
- Never Forget Love, 1990
- Love Strikes Satan, 1991
- Queen Saves the King, 1991
- Dynasty of Love, 1991
- The Sleeping Pricess, 1991
- Two Hearts in Hungary, 1991
- A Kiss in Rome, 1992
- Love Strikes a Devil, 1992
- Secret Harbour, 1992
- Drena and the Duke, 1992
- Winged Magic, 1992
- Peaks of Ecstasy, 1993
- A Duel of Jewels, 1993
- Lucky Logan Finds Love, 1993
- Love, Lies, and Marriage, 1993
- Terror from the Throne, 1993
- The Waltz of Hearts, 1993
- The Wonderful Dream, 1993
- The Duke Is Trapped, 1993
- Angel and the Rake, 1993
- Dangerous Marriage, 1993
- Good or Bad, 1993
- Look with Heart, 1993
- A Royal Rebuke, 1994
- Looking for Love, 1994
- Running Away to Love, 1994
- Safe in Paradise, 1994
- Saved by a Saint, 1994
- The Spirit of Love, 1994
- This Is Love, 1994
- The Wild Cry of Love, 1994
- Dog, A Horse and a Heart, 1994
- Love and a Cheetah, 1994
- I Reach for the Stars: An Autobiography, 1994
- Apocalypse of the Heart, 1995
- Beyond the Stars, 1995
- The Eyes of Love, 1995
- An Icicle in India, 1995
- The Incomparable, 1995
- The Innocent Impostor, 1995
- Love in the Ruins, 1995
- The Loveless Marriage, 1995
- A Magical Moment, 1995
- Passage to Love, 1995
- The Patient Bridegroom, 1995
- The Protection of Love, 1995
- Running from Russia, 1995
- Someone to Love, 1995
- The Ghost Who Fell In Love, 1996
- Fascination in France, 1996
- Three Days to Love, 1996
- Safe in Paradise, 1997
- Love Leaves at Midnight, 1997
- Miracle for a Madonna, 1997
- The Adventurer, 1997
- The Devil in Love, 1998
- A Heart of Stone, 1998
- The Captive Heart, 1999
- The Little Pretender, 1999
- Barbara Cartland's Guide to Romance Writing, 1999
- Love Wins in Berlin, 2000
- The Cross of Love, 2004 (first title in The Barbara
Cartland Pink Collection)
- Love in the Highlands, 2004
- Love Finds the Way, 2004
- The Castle of Love, 2005
- Love is Triumphant, 2005
- Stars in the Sky, 2005
- The Ship of Love, 2005
- A Dangerous Disguise, 2005
- Love Became Theirs, 2005
- Love Drives In, 2005
- Sailing to Love, 2005
- The Star of Love, 2005
- Music is the Soul of Love, 2005
- Theirs to Eternity, 2005
- A Paradise on Earth, 2006
- Love Wins in Berlin, 2006
- In Search of Love, 2006
- Love Rescues Rosanna, 2006
- A Heart in Heave, 2006
- The House of Happiness, 2006
- Royalty Defeated by Love, 2006
- The White Witch, 2006
- They Sought Love, 2006
- They Found Their Way to Heaven, 2006
- Learning to Love, 2006
- Journey to Happiness, 2007
- A Kiss in the Desert, 2007
- The Heart of Love, 2007
- The Richness of Love, 2007
- For Ever and Ever, 2007
- An Unexpected Love, 2007
- Saved by an Angel, 2007
- Touching the Stars, 2007
- Seeking Love, 2007
- Journey to Love, 2007
- The Importance of Love, 2007
- Love by the Lake, 2007
- A Dream Come True, 2008
- The King without a Heart, 2008
- The Waters of Love, 2008
- Danger to the Duke, 2008
- A Perfect Way to Heaven, 2008
- Follow Your Heart, 2008
- In Hiding, 2008
- Rivals for Love, 2008
- A Kiss from the Heart, 2008
- Lovers in London, 2008
- This Way to Heaven, 2008
- A Princess Prays, 2008
- Mine For Ever, 2009
- The Earl's Revenge, 2009
- Love at the Tower, 2009
- Ruled by Love, 2009
- Love Came from Heaven, 2009
- Love and Apollo, 2009
- The Key of Love, 2009
- A Castle of Dreams, 2009
- A Battle of Brains, 2009
- A Change of Hearts, 2009
- It Is Love, 2009
- The Triumph of Love, 2009
- Wanted - A Royal Wife, 2010
- A Kiss of Love, 2010
- To Heaven with Love, 2010
- Pray For Love, 2010
- The Marquis is Trapped, 2010
- Hide and Seek for Love, 2010
- Hiding from Love, 2010
- A Teacher of Love, 2010
- Money or Love, 2010
- The Revelation is Love, 2010
- The Tree of Love, 2010
- The Magnificent Marquis, 2010
- The Castle, 2011
- The Gates of Paradise, 2011
- A Lucky Star, 2011
- A Heaven on Earth, 2011
- The Healing Hand, 2011
- A Virgin Bride, 2011
- The Trial to Love, 2011
- A Royal Love Match, 2011
- A Steeplechase for Love, 2011
- Love at Last, 2011

Some rights reserved Petri Liukkonen
(author) & Ari Pesonen. Kuusankosken kaupunginkirjasto 2008