Australian paperback writer Alan
G. Yates poured from his typewriter between 1953-68 under the name
Carter Brown about 150 crime
stories, with sales in the tens, perhaps hundreds of millions of
copies. His last books appeared in the early 1980's. All the stories
were set in the Unites States, but Carter Brown series never became
there so well-known as in Europe. Yates's novels had light atmosphere
and his heroes could deliver more wise-guy remarks than Robert B.
Parker's famous private detective Spencer.
"Do you go to the movies often,
Lieutenant?" she asked politely.
"Once," I said, "to get in out of the rain. A
thing called Birth of a Nation. I figured it was about sex, but I got gypped."
(from The Dame, 1959)
Carter Brown was born Alan Geoffrey Yates in London and
educated at schools in Essex. From 1942 to 1946, he served in the Royal
Navy as a lieutenant. After the war, he worked as a sound recordist at
Gaumont-British Films for two years and moved to Australia in 1948. In
the same year, he became an Australian citizen. Before devoting himself
entirely to writing from 1953, Yates was a salesman in Sydney and a
public relations staff member at Quatas Empire Airways. His early books
were intended only for Australian audience. While at Quantas, he wrote
mysteries for Horwitz's Scientific Thriller series.
When Carter Brown series was picked up by Signet, he found
readers also in the United States. There his book covers were often
illustrated by Barye Phillips and Robert McGinnis. In France, Gallimard
began to publish Carter Brown's works from 1959 in Série Noire,
which introduced to French readers such writers as James Hadley Chase,
Peter Cheyney, Horace McCoy, Jonathan Latimer, Dashiell Hammett,
Raymond Chandler, and James M. Cain. Yates published in 1958 also a
novel under his own name, The Cold Dark Hours, and in 1966
appeared the first novels written as Caroline Farr. His major work in
science fiction was Coriolanus, the Chariot! (1978), a story
about illusions, paranoia, and a toxic game. – Yates lived in the
fashionable Sydney suburb of St Ives and worked from home. He was
married with Denise Sinclair Mackellar; they had one daughter and three
sons. Yates died on May 5, 1985.
In the beginning of his career, Yates penned crime, horror
stories, and westerns under the name of Tex Conrad. For the magazine Thrills
Incorporated he cowrote around 1950 some tales with G.C. Bleek.
When he was asked to write a mystery series as "Peter Carter Brown",
Yates put his name on a thirty-year contract. According to this paper,
he was required to produce two novelettes and one full-length novel a
month for Horwitz Publications, one of Sydney's leading paperback
houses. The first was The Lady Is Murderer
, which appeared in September 1951. Soon Yates produced a flood of
crime fiction: in 1953 Venus Unarmed, The Mermaid
Murmurs Murder, Chased, The Frame is Beautiful,
Fraulein Is Feline, Wreath for Rebecca, The
Black Widow Weeps, and The Penthouse Passout.
Yates was able to write 40,000 words overnight. Occasionally
he used
Dexedrine to stay awake during a 48-hour continuous writing. In the
late 1950s, Yates' inability to meet the deadlines
began to worry Stanley Horwitz. Also Yates himself grew increasingly
frustrated with Signet's standardised formula and changes made by
oversee editors. While he was negotiating with Signet in 1958 in the
United States, allegedly the Horwitz editor C.J. McKenzie was
commissioned to write "half a dozen" Carter Brown books under his
editorship. A new contract, which halved Yates's workload, was made in
Like the British writers Peter Cheyney and James Hadley Chase, Yates set his
stories in the United States, but he had acquited most of his knowledge
of America from books and films. European readers enjoyed his
hard-boiled style and local coloring to the full, without any doubts,
and American readers did not pay much attention to his "sometimes
tin-eared version of U.S. speech patterns and slang" (Lee Server in Encyclopedia
of Pulp Fiction Writers, 2002). However, Signet's co-founder Kurt
Enoch was satisfied with Carter Brown novels: "Pace, plot, style are
good," he said of The Corpse (1958), an Al Wheeler
novel. For the American audience, the manuscripts were edited.
Sometimes Yates played with the titles of his books, which referred to
other works. The Loving and the Dead (1959) was a
modification of Norman Mailer's The Naked and the Dead (1948), Murder
is My Mistress (1954) was not far from Raymond Chandler's Trouble
Is My Business (1950), and No Halo for Hedy (1956) echoed
James Hadley Chase's No Orchids for Miss Blandish (1939).
The Brown books were fast paced, they had humor and action,
and several corpses, although not much violence. Women are gorgeous,
and the story is usually set among the rich and glamorous. The plots
have turns that are not very believable. In one mystery a night club is
used as a distribution center for drugs. The stripper hides heroin into
her G-string and swaps it during her performance for a buyer's tie, in
which the payoff is sewn into the lining. Yates knew more about
literature than his average readers and his specialty was to refer to
famous films, novels or works of art. In The Dame
(1959) he quoted John Keats and then twisted the lines in ironic
context as the story continued.
Up to the 1970s, the sex scenes were comparatively mild,
but then they began to develop into more explicit direction. The change
did not please all readers. Last Carter Brown novels appeared in the
early 1980s. Usually the novels were ignored by the critics, but the
mystery writer Anthony Boucher (1911-1968) reviewed them in his
columns, which were published in the Sunday New York Times Book
Review. Despite Carter Brown's popularity, the novels have inspired
only a few film or stage adaptations. In 1961, Yates met in New York
Murray Burnett, the co-author of Casablanca, who was interested
in the performance rights of Zelda (1961), set in the
home of Zelda Roxanne, the "Hollywood's goddess of love". Curtains
for a Chorine (1955) was made into a comedy film by Maurice
Labro in 1963 under the title Blague dans le coin, starring
Fernandel, Perrette Pradier and Eliane D'Almeida. And one book inspired
in the 1980s a stage musical, called The Stripper, staged by
the Sydney Theatre Company.
A typical Carter Brown story did not take itself too seriously
– it was a mixture of sex, action, and humor. Yates's female hero was
the curvaceous private detective Mavis Seidlitz, whose feminine weapons
are more prominent than her mental capacities. Mavis works with Johnny
Rio, who believes that thinking is his department and do not give her
difficult cases. Rio appears on the scene when Mavis is in trouble. In Good
Morning, Mavis (1957?) she travels to New Orleans, where she is
kissed several times during Mardi Grass festival and proposed once. Her
client is killed and becomes a zombie – or so Mavis believes. She is
kidnapped by a monk and a jester and then saved by an undercover
detective from the district attorney's office.
Mavis works In The Bump and Grind Murders (1964)
as a stripper to catch a killer. She plays a bodyguard to a frightened
'exotic dancer' and reveals her knowledge of Russian literature: "...
he was just like one of the characters in that book the college boy I
dated a few times used to read to me: it was written by some Russian
who had enough sense to write it in English so we could read it, and it
was called The Brother Caramba's Off! I guess if he could write
it in English, I couldn't object to him using Spanish in the title."
Other Mavis stories include Honey, Here's Your Hearse (1955), A
Bullet for My Baby (1955), and Lament for a Lousy Lover
(1960). Yates's best known hero was Al Wheeler, a homicide lieutenant
from the fictional Pine Country, California. Wheeler made his first
appearance in The Wench Is Wicked (1955). In Walk
Softly, Witch (1959) Wheeler investigates an insurance fraud,
meets voluptuous secretaries and widows, and takes more than a few
drinks before he shoots the criminal who has just shot his deceitful
female accomplice. Larry Baker, a Hollywood screenwriter, and his drunk
partner Boris Slivka, solved crackpot crimes. Rick Holmas was a
Hollywood PI, and Randy Roberts a San Francisco lawyer.
For further reading: 'The Mysterious Case of Carter Brown: or, Who Really Killed
the Australian Author?' by Toni Johnson-Woods, in
Who's Who?: Hoaxes, Imposture and Identity Crises in Australian
Literature, eds. Maggie Nolan,Carrie Dawson
(2004); Encyclopedia of Pulp Fiction Writers by Lee Server (2002); Twentieth
Century Crime and Mystery Writers, ed. by
John M. Reilly (1985); Ready when you are,
C.B.!: the autobiography of Alan Yates alias Carter Brown (1983) - Suomeksi
Carter Brownin kirjoja on julkaistu n. 140, kuten Cissie
oli tähti, Gilda
oli pimu, Mestariampuja, Samettikettu, Se oli hasardia, Se oli murha - näissä suomennoksista vastasi Tapio Hiisivaara. Teosten kustantajana oli Valpas-mainos, muutaman myös
kustansi Viihdeviikarit. Hiisivaaran lisäksi suomentajina olivat mm.
Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, Hannes Hunttila, Terttu Hagström, Sirkka Tuominen
ja Erkki Erkkilä. Kirjat ilmestyivät halpoina pokkareina ja niitä
levitettiin kioskien kautta. Yleensä Carter Brownien sivumäärä oli noin
puolitoista sataa, kannessa oli vetonaulana vähäpukeinen nainen ja
teksti "Maailman eniten myyty!" Vaikka Carter Browneja löytyy vielä
helposti antikvariaattien hyllyistä yhden euron hintaan, niitä myös on
ryhdytty keräilemään, ja sen mukana hintojen voidaan odottaa nousevan.
Selected works:
- The Lady Is Murder, 1951
- Venus Unarmed, 1953
- Turvaton Venus (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1968)
- My Mermaid Murmurs Murder, 1953
- The Lady Is Chased, 1953
- The Frame Is Beautiful, 1953
- Fraulein Is Feline, 1953
- Wreath for Rebecca, 1953
- Kalma kolkuttaa (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1963)
- The Black Widow Weeps, 1953(?)
- Penthouse Passout, 1953
- Kuumat paikat (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1960)
- Shady Lady, 1953(?)
- Strip Withiut Tease, 1953(?)
- Trouble Is a Dame, 1953(?)
- Leathal in Love, 1953
- Tähti katoaa kuvasta (suom. Terttu Hagström, 1969)
- Murder - Paris Fashion, 1954
- Nemesis Wore Nylons, 1954
- Maid for Murder, 1954
- Murder Is My Mistress, 1954
- Kuollut koira (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1963)
- Homicide Hoyden, 1954
- Kelmien karuselli (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1963)
- A Morgue Amour, 1954
- Curtains for a Chorine, 1955
- Shamus, Your Slip Is Showing, 1955
- Cutie Cashed His Chips, 1955
- Uhkapelurin panos (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1959)
- Honey, Here's Your Hearse!, 1955
- The Two-Timing Blonde, 1955
- Sob-Sister Cries Murder, 1955
- The Blonde, 1955
- Curves for the Coroner, 1955
- Miss Called Murder, 1955
- Miss Murha (suom. Terttu Hagström, 1970)
- Swan Song for a Siren, 1955 (rev. ed. Charlie Sent Me!,
- TV-tähti vaarassa (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1966)
- A Bullet for My Baby, 1955
- Nappi otsaan (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1967)
- Kiss and Kill, 1955
- Kuka murhasi mannekiinin? (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1962)
- Kiss Me Deadly, 1955
- The Wench Is Wicked, 1955
- Kolme laukausta (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1962)
- Shroud for My Sugar, 1955
- Lead Astray, 1955
- Salapoliisi sukeltaa (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1964)
- Lipstick Larceny, 1955
- Kuka minä olen? (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1962)
- The Hoodlum Was a Honey, 1956
- Tornitalon kummitus (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen)
- Murder by Miss-Demeanor, 1956
- Darling You Are Doomed, 1956
- Kauppa on raakaa (suom. Terttu Hagström, 1969)
- No Halo for Hedy, 1956
- Kadonnut kenkä (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1964)
- Donna Died Laughing, 1956
- Naurava kuolema (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1959)
- Blonde, Beautiful, and - BLAM!, 1956
- Strictly for Felony, 1956
- Joe järjestää (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1960)
- Booty for a Babe, 1956
- Selvitä asia, Wheeler (suom. Sirkka Tuominen, 1969)
- Delilah Was Deadly, 1956
- Blonde Verdict, 1956
- The Eve of His Dying, 1956
- Model of No Virtue, 1956
- Rahaa kuin roskaa (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1960)
- My Darling Is Deadpan, 1956
- The Bride Was Beaitiful, 1956
- Kiinattaren kuolema (suom. Terttu Hagström, 1970)
- Death of a Doll, 1956
- Tähti ja playboy (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1967)
- The Lady Had No Convictions, 1956
- Omat koirat purevat (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1959)
- Baby, You're Guilt-Edged, 1956
- Rakas rikollinen (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1960)
- No Harp for My Angel, 1956
- Hellä murhaaja (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1960)
- Hi-Jack for a Jill, 1956
- Platinapommi (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1963)
- Bid the Babe Bye-Bye, 1956
- Meet Murder, My Angel, 1956
- Murha perintönä (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1959)
- Caress Before Killing, 1956
- Valkoista orjakauppaa (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1961)
- Sweetheart, This Is Homicide, 1956
- Se ei pelaa joka pelkää (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1960)
- That's Piracy, My Pet, 1957
- Last Note for a Lovely, 1957
- Murhia ja musiikkia (suom. Terttu Hagström, 1970)
- Blonde, Bad, and Beautiful, 1957
- Tapahtui Hong Kongissa (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1966)
- Doll for the Big House, 1957
- Pommi (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1964)
- Stripper, You've Sinned, 1957(?)
- Madam, You're Mayhem, 1957
- Good Morning, Mavis, 1957
- Hyvää huomenta, Mavis! (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1963)
- Sinner, You Slay Me!, 1957
- No Law Against Angels, 1957
- Tatuoitu käärme (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1962)
- Wreath for a Redhead, 1957
- The Unorthodox Corpse, 1957
- Konnien kourissa (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1967)
- Ten Grand Tallulah and Temptation, 1957
- Tilatkaa ruumisvaunut (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen)
- Cutie Wins a Corpse, 1957
- Missikilpailu (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1964)
- Eve, It's Extortion, 1957
- Bella Donna Was Poison, 1957
- Ruumis näyteikkunassa (suom. Terttu Hagström, 1970)
- Murder Wears a Mantilla, 1957
- Mavis matadorina (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1967)
- Chorine Makes a Killing, 1957
- So Lovely She Lies, 1958
- Ice Cold in Ermine, 1958
- Goddess Gone Bad, 1958
- No Body She Knows, 1958
- The Blonde, 1958
- Blonde = vaaleaverikkö (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1961)
- Cutie Takes the Count, 1958
- No Future, Fair Lady, 1958
- Kuolema naittajana (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1964)
- Hi-Fi Fadeout, 1958
- Widow Bewitched, 1958
- Musta kuolema (suom. Terttu Hagström, 1969)
- Luck Was No Lady, 1958
- Majuri katoaa (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1959)
- A Siren Sounds Off, 1958
- Gangsterit liikkeellä (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1963)
- Tempt a Tigress, 1958(?)
- The Charmer Chased, 1958
- Käärmeenlumooja (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1961)
- High Fashion in Homicide, 1958
- Ruumis jääkaapissa (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1964)
- Deadly Miss, 1958
- Sinfully Yours, 1958
- Death on the Downbeat, 1958 (US title: The Corpse)
- Ruumis (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1963)
- The Lover, 1958
- Kolme tikaria (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1961)
- The Cold Dark Hours, 1958 (as A.G. Yates)
- The Mistress, 1958
- Rakastajatar (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1962)
- The Loving and the Dead, 1959
- Kuolema Toledossa (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1963)
- So Deadly, Sinner!, 1959
- Paukkurauta soi (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1961)
- The Passionate, 1959
- Suruttomat sisarukset (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1961)
- None But the Lethal Heart, 1959
- Rahaa, ruutia, ruumiita (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1967)
- The Wanton , 1959
- Polttomerkki (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1963)
- Walk Softly Witch!, 1959
- Miljoonat pelissä (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1963)
- Suddenly By Violence!, 1959
- Pandora (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1964)
- The Dame, 1959
- Taas Wheeler (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1961)
- Terror Comes Creeping, 1959
- Hiipivä kauhu (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1962)
- The Desired, 1959
- Al Wheeler Bellan pauloissa (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1962)
- The Wayward Wahine, 1960
- Kuolema Havaijissa (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1965)
- Tomorrow Is Murder, 1960
- Televisiomurha (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1964)
- Th Temptress, 1960
- Viettelijätär (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1962)
- The Brazen, 1960
- Konnia ja kaunottaria (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1962)
- The Dream Is Deadly, 1960
- Lament for a Lousy Lover, 1960
- Turmaa ja typyköitä (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1962)
- The Stripper, 1961
- Stripper (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1964)
- The Tigress, 1961
- Naarastiikeri (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1962)
- The Exotic, 1961
- The Seductress, 1961
- Salaperäinen sääripari (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1964)
- Zelda, 1961
- Kiristäjät (suom. Aimo Kurvi, 1967)
- Angel!, 1962
- The Ice-Cold Nude, 1962
- Jääkylmä alaston (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1965)
- The Hellcat, 1962
- Villikissa (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1965)
- Murder in the Harem Club, 1962
- Murha haaremiklubissa (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1966)
- The Lady Is Transparent, 1962
- Hän oli vilpitön nainen (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1965)
- The Dumdum Murder, 1962
- Mestariampuja (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1966)
- Lover, Don't Come Back!, 1962
- Kuka murhasi minut? (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1965)
- The Murderer Among Us, 1962
- Seksipommi (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1965)
- Blonde on the Rocks, 1963
- Mustalla listalla (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1967)
- Girl in a Shroud, 1963
- Al Wheeler ja vampyyri (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1966)
- The Sinners, 1963
- Paholaisen riivaama (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1965)
- The Jade-Eyed Jinx, 1963
- Punatukka Roomasta (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1969)
- The Lady Is Not Available, 1963
- Hämähäkki (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1965)
- Nymph to the Slaughter, 1963
- New Yorkin yön elämää (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1965)
- The Passionate Pagan, 1963
- Laka Tong (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1965)
- The Ballad of Loving Jenny, 1963
- Valkoiset bikinit (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1965)
- The Scarlet Flush, 1963
- Se oli hasardia (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1966)
- The Silken Nightmare, 1963
- Musta leski (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1966)
- The Wind-Up Doll, 1963
- Vieterinukke (suom. Viljo Ensio Kukkonen, 1966)
- The Dance of Death, 1964
- Cissie oli tähti (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1966)
- The Never-Was Girl, 1964
- Se oli murha (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1966)
- The Vixen, 1964
- Samettikettu (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1966)
- The Bump and Grind Murders, 1964
- Alamaailman päällikkö (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1967)
- Murder Is a Package Deal, 1964
- Gilda oli pimu (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1966)
- Who Killed Doctor Sex?, 1964
- Kuka murhasi tohtori Seksin? (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1968)
- Catch Me a Phoenix!, 1965
- Kiinalaiset aarteet (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1967)
- Yogi Shrouds Yolanda, and Poison Ivy, 1965
- Corpse for Christmas, 1965
- Ruumis jouluksi (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1967)
- No Blonde Is an Island, 1965
- Hempukka kellarissa (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1967)
- Nude - with a View, 1965
- Katse alastomaan - päin! (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1968)
- The Girl from Outer Space, 1965
- Tyttö ulkoavaruudesta (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1968)
- Homicide Harem, and Felon Angel, 1965
- The Sometime Wife, 1965
- Vaarallista väkeä (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1968)
- The Hammer of Thor, 1965
- Salamat sinkoilevat (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1968)
- Blonde on a Broomstick, 1965
- Seksikatti Sally (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1968)
- So What Killed the Vampire?, 1966
- TV tekee kauhukuvaa (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1968)
- The House of Tomba, 1966 (the first as Caroline Farr)
- The Intruder, 1966
- Mansion of Evil, 1966
- Mansion of Peril, 1966
- Villa of Shadow, 1966
- Web of Horror, 1966
- Play Now... Kill Later, 1966
- Tapahtui Hollywoodissa (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1968)
- The Black Lace Hangover, 1966
- Gangsteripomo (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1968)
- No Tears from the Widow, 1966
- Leski ei itke (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1968)
- Target for Their Dark Desire, 1966
- Seksikauppias (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1967)
- Granite Folly, 1967
- The Secret of Chateau, 1967
- So Near And Yet, 1967
- Witch's Hammer, 1967
- The Deadly Kitten, 1967
- Varo vaaraa (suom. Terttu Hagström, 1969)
- House of Sorcery, 1967
- Seksikääpiö (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1969)
- Long Time No Leola, 1967
- Tuhma, vanha miljonääri (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1969)
- The Plush-Lined Coffin, 1967
- Sametilla vuorattu ruumisarkku (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1969)
- Seidlitz and the Super-Spy, 1967
- Seidlitz ja suurvakooja (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara)
- Until Temptation Do Us Part, 1967
- Puhelintyttö Kaliforniasta (suom. Tapio Hiisivaara, 1968)
- The Deep Cold Green, 1968
- Al Wheeler - suojele minua (suom. Terttu Hagström, 1970)
- The Mini-Murders, 1968
- Minimurhat (suom. Sirkka Tuominen, 1969)
- Had I But Groaned, 1968
- Mustaa noituuttako? (suom. Sirkka Tuominen, 1969)
- Die Anytime, After Tuesday!, 1969
- Koomikon kolme vaimoa (suom. Terttu Hagström, 1970)
- The Flagellator, 1969
- Seksin kuningatar (suom. Terttu Hagström, 1970)
- Murder Is the Message, 1969
- Only the Very Rich?, 1969
- Aikuisten leikit (suom. Terttu Hagström, 1970)
- The Streaked-Blonde Slave, 1969
- The Up-Tight Blonde, 1969
- Burden of Guilt, 1970
- The Coffin Bird, 1970
- House of Destiny, 1970
- A Good Year for Dwarfs?, 1970
- The Hang-Up Kid, 1970
- True Son of the Beast!, 1970
- Where Did Charity Go?, 1970
- The Coven, 1971
- Terror on Duncan Island, 1971
- Dark Citadel, 1971
- The Secret of Castle Ferrara, 1971
- The Creative Murders, 1971
- The Invisible Flamini, 1971
- Murder in the Family Way, 1971
- The Sex Clinic, 1971
- W.H.O.R.E.!, 1971
- The Clown, 1972
- The Castle in Canada, 1972
- The Towers of Fear, 1972
- The Angry Amazons, 1972
- The Aseptic Murder, 1972
- Murder Is So Nostalgic!, 1972
- The Pornbroker, 1972
- The Seven Sirens, 1972
- The Born Loser, 1973
- House of Dark Illusions, 1973
- The Possessed, 1973
- House of Secrets, 1973
- Manhattan Cowboy, 1973
- The Master, 1973
- Murder On High, 1973
- So Move the Body, 1973
- Phreak-Out!, 1973
- Night Wheeler, 1974
- Yön kuningatar (suom. Erkki Erkkilä, 1985)
- Dark Mansion, 1974
- The House on the Cliffs, 1974
- Donovan, 1974
- And the Undead Sing, 1974
- Negative in Blu, 1974
- The Star-Crossed Lover, 1974
- Wheeler Fortune, 1974
- Donovan's Day, 1975
- The Early Boyd, 1975
- Kuoleman salaseura (suom. Jukka Heiskanen, 1983)
- The Iron Maiden, 1975
- Vaarallinen kaunotar (suom. Erkki Hakala, 1985)
- Ride the Roller Coaster, 1975
- Wheeler, Dealer!, 1975
- Sex Trap, 1975
- The Savage Sisters, 1976
- Chinese Donavan, 1976
- The Dream Merchant, 1976
- The Pipes Are Calling, 1976
- Remember Maybelle?, 1976
- Coriolanus, the Chariot!, 1978
- Busted Wheeler, 1979
- Wheelerin tulikoe (suom. Erkki Erkkilä, 1986)
- Donavan's Delight, 1979
- The Rip-Off, 1979
- The Spanking Girls, 1979
- The Strawberry Blonde Jungle, 1979
- See It Again, Sam, 1979
- Death to a Downbeat, 1980
- Secret at Rawenswood, 1980 (the last as Caroline Farr)
- Model for Murder, 1980
- Mallimurha (suom. Hannes Hunttila, 1985)
- The Phantom Lady, 1980
- Pahan pauloissa (suom. Erkki Erkkilä, 1985)
- Kiss Michelle Goodbye, 1981
- Jäähyväiset Michelle (suom. Hannes Hunttila, 1985)
- The Wicked Widow, 1981 (last as Carter Brown)
- Paheellinen perijä (suom. Erkki Erkkilä, 1985)

Some rights reserved Petri Liukkonen
(author) & Ari Pesonen. Kuusankosken kaupunginkirjasto 2008