Very prolific British author of
mystery novels and short stories, creator of Hercule Poirot, the
Belgian detective, and Miss Jane Marple. Christie wrote more than 70
detective novels under the surname of her first husband, Colonel
Archibald Christie. She also published a series of romances and a
children's book.
'"And now, messieurs et mesdames,"
said Poirot rapidly, "I will continue with what I was about to say.
Understand this, I mean to arrive at the truth. The truth, however ugly
in itself, is always curious and beautiful to seeker after it. I am
much aged, my powers may not be what they were." Here he clearly
expected a contradiction. "In all probability this is the last case I
shall ever investigate. But Hercule Poirot does not end with a failure.
Messieurs at mesdames, I tell you, I mean to know. And I shall know – in spite of you all."' (from The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, 1926)
Agatha Christie was born in Torquay, in the county of Devon,
the daughter of Frederick Alvah Miller, an American with a moderate
private income, and Clarissa Boehmer Miller, the daughter of an army
Captain. Christie's father died when she was a eleven years of
age. She once described him as "a very amusing father, always doing
nothing." From childhood, Christie was encouraged to write by her
mother. Most of the characters in these early efforts died
off before the end of the story.
Christie was first educated at home, and at sixteen she was
sent to school in Paris, where she studied singing and piano. She
was an accomplished pianist but her stage fright and shyness prevented
her from pursuing a career in music. Christie remained shy
and withdrawn individual throughout her life. In
her books Christie seldom referred to music, although her detectives,
Poirot and Miss Marple, show interest in opera and Poirot sings in The
A.B.C. Murders (1936) a World War I song. When Christie's mother
took her to Cairo for a winter, she wrote there a novel. Encouraged by
Eden Philpotts, neighbor and friend in Torquay, she devoted herself
into writing and had short stories published.
In 1914 Christie married Archibald Christie, an officer in the
Flying Royal Corps; their daughter, Rosalind, was born in 1919. During
World War I she worked in a Red Cross Hospital in Torquayas a hospital
dispenser, which gave her a knowledge of poisons. It was to be useful
when she started to develop the plots of her mysteries.
Christie's first detective novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles,
introduced Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective, who appeared in more
than 40 books, the last of which was Curtain (1975). The
Christies bought a house and named it 'Styles' after the first
Poirot is an amiably eccentric character, whose friend
Captain Hastings represents the "idiot narrator" – familiar from
Sherlock Holmes stories. After the German invasion of Belgium in 1914,
Poirot, a former policeman, was forced to flee his
country. Eventually Poirot settled to London's Whitehaven
Mansions. Poirot is short – only five feet four inches tall. He has
waxed moustache, egg-shaped head and small feet. Poirot draws
conclusions from observing people's conduct and from objects
around him, creating a chain of facts that finally reveal the murderer.
'"He tapped his forehead. "These little gray cells. It is 'up to them'
– as you say over here."' Behind the apparently separate details is
always a pattern, which only Poirot is able to see.
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd had a great success
on the London stage in 1928. Charles Laughton was cast in the role
of Poirot, but Austin Trevor was chosen to play the
Belgian sleuth for the film version. Trevor's accent was fine, but
he was taller and younger than the character in the books and he did
not have a moustache. His debut on film Poirot made in Alibi (1931,
adapted from the novel The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (1926) and
produced by Twickenham Film Studios. As for the story, it partly
inspired by Anton Chekhov's The Shooting Party (1884-1885).
"Every murderer is probably somebody's old friend,"
Christie argued in it.
Christie's marriage broke up in 1926. Archie Christie, who
worked in the City, announced that he had fallen in love with a younger
woman, Nancy Neele. In the same year Christie's beloved mother died.
After hearing that her husband had left for Miss Neele's house,
Christie disappeared for a time. "I would gladly give £500 if I could
only hear where my wife is," said Colonel Christie. The story of her
real life (love?) adventure in the 1926, when she lived in a Harrowgate
hotel under the name Mrs. Teresa Neele, was basis for the film Agatha
(1978), directed by Michael Apted. In title role was Vanessa Redgrave.
Doctors who examined Christie claimed that her loss of memory was
genuine – "a classic case of amnesia resulting from overstain."
Much of the next two years she spent traveling.
Christie's divorce was finalized in 1928, and two years later
she married the archaeologist Max Mallowan. She had met him on her
travels in Near East in 1927, and accompanied him on his excavations of
sites in Syria and Iraq. Later Christie used these exotic settings in
her novels Murder in Mesopotamia (1936) and Death on
the Nile (1937). With Max Mallowan Christie traveled in 1947
and 1949 to expeditions to Nimrud, the ancient capital of Assyria, and
in the Tigris Valley. Her own archeological adventures were recounted
in Come, Tell Me How You Live (1946). Mallowan was
Catholic and fourteen years her junior; he became one of the most
prominent archaeologist of his generation. Of her marriage the writer
is quoted of having said: "An archaeologist is the best husband any
woman can have. The older she gets, the more interested he is in her."
However, most likely Christie never made this kind
of personal remark. Mallowan worked in Iraq in the 1950s but
returnmed to England, when Christie's health grew weaker. His most
famous book was Nimrud and its Remains.
Christie's most prolific period began in the late 1920s.
During the 1930s he published four non-series mystery novels, fourteen
Poirot novels, two Marple novels, two Superintendent Battle books, a
book of stories featuring Harley Quin and another featuring Mr. Parker
Pyne, an additional Mary Westmacott book, and two original
After visiting Luxor in 1937, where Christie saw Howard
Carter, she wrote the play Akhnaton, which was not
published until 1973. It dramatized the fate of the Egyptian pharaoh
Akhnaton, who tried to replace the old gods with monotheism, and
Nefertiti, his wife. Curiously, the Finnish writer Mika Waltari, who gained later international
fame with his historical novel The Egyptian (1945), wrote also
in the same year a play about the same king, Akhnaton, auringosta
syntynyt (1937), but he never traveled in Egypt. Christie's play
was prodeced in New York as Akhnaton and Nefertiti in 1979 and
next year in London.
During WW II Christie worked in the dispensary of University
College Hospital in London, broadening there her knowledge of poisons.
She also produced twelve completed novels. After the war she continued
to write prolifically, also gaining success on the stage and in the
cinema, but she never wrote an original screenplay. Witness for the
Prosecution, for example, was chosen the best foreign play of the
1954-55 season by the New York Drama Critics Circle. First
staged in London in October 1953, it was on Broadway by December
Among the film adaptations of Christie's novels on Hercule
Poirot are the phenomenally successful Murder on the
Orient Express (1974), directed by Sidney Lument and with Albert
Finney as Poirot, and Death on the Nile (1978), with Peter
Ustinov as the sleuth. Both films were nostalgic costume dramas. Sidney
Lumet said in his book Making Movies (1995) that clothes
contribute an enormus amount to the style of the picture. "When Betty
Bacall makes her first appearance in Murder on the Orient Express,
she's wearing a full-length peach-colored bias-cut velvet dress with a
matching hat and egret feather. Jacqueline Bisset, for her first
appearance, wears a full-length blue silk dress, a matching jacket with
a white ermine collar, and a tiny pillbox hat with a feather... The
object was to thrust the audience into a world it never knew – to
create a feeling of how glamorous things used to be." Even the small
parts in Murder on the Orient Express was filled by famous
stars. Richard Widmark was the victim, Lauren Bacall the American
matron, Vanessa Redgrave the lady with the husband, Ingrid Berman the
nurse, and John Gielgud the Jeeves character. Also Sean Connery and
Anthony Perkins were in the cast.
Peter Ustinov played the legendary detective in such
films as Death on the Nile, Evil under the Sun (1982),
and Appointment with Death (1988) and then David
Suchet continued in the role, becoming the definitive Poirot.
Tony Randall was Poirot in Frank Tashlin's unorthodox adaptation The
Alphabet Murders (1966), in which Anita Ekberg galloped on
horseback through Kensington Gardens. Originally Zero Mostel, who had
been victimized by the Hollywood blacklist from the
1950s, was cast as Poirot, but the producers changed their
minds. Allegedly Christie presented some objections, too. In Murder
by the Book (1986) Ian Holm's Poirot meets Agatha Christie while
investigating his own murder. Learning from the manuscript that he dies
of a heart attack, he asks Christie to shoot him rather than kill him
off the way she had planned.
Miss Jane Marple made her first screen appearance in Murder
She Said (1962), based on the novel 4:50 from Paddington
(1957), starring Dame Margaret Rutherford. Christie herself felt the
Rutherford was physically all wrong to play the sharp spinster, but the
audience loved her performance. Other films fallowed: Murder
at the Galop (1963), Murder Ahoy (1964), and Murder
Most Foul (1964), all smoothly directed by George Pollock. The BBC
TV series starring Joan Hickson ran 1984-87. Gracie Fields, a popular
British stage and music hall singer, actress and
comedienne, played Miss Marple on television in an adaptation of A
Murder Is Announced (1956).
Miss Marple, an elderly spinster, was a typical English
character, but when Poirot used logic and rational methods, Marple
relied on her feminine sensitivity and empathy to solve crimes. She was
born and lived in the village of St. Mary Mead. Both Poirot and Marple
did not have any family life, but Poirot also travelled much. Captain
Hastings married in the early 1930s, but it seems that he had more fun
in the company of Poirot than at home. Marple was featured in 17
novels, the first being Murder at the Vicarage (1930) and the
last Sleeping Murder (1977). Her model was reportedly
the author's own grandmother.
Tommy Beresford and Tuppence Cowley were introduced in The
Secret Adversary (1922). They became the first husband and wife
team of crime solvers. The mysterious Harley Quin made his appearance
in short stories, which were collected in The Mysterious Mr. Quin
(1930). Though Christie liked the character, she stopped writing Quin
stories after the 1920s. In 1930 she published the first of six
psychological romance novels, Giant's Bread, under the
pseudonym Mary Westmacott.
In 56 years Christie wrote 66 detective novels, among the best
of which are The Murder of Roger Acroyd, Murder on the
Orient Express (1934), Death on the Nile (1937), and Ten
Little Niggers (1939). The film adaptation of Ten Little
Niggers (1945, US title: And Then There Were None) by the French
director René Clair, starring Walter Huston and Barry Fitzgerald, is
one of the most faithful and hilarious Christie adaptations. Cleverly
scripted by Dudley Nichols, it blended comedy with mystery in an
exquisite manner. During the war, the stage version enjoyed a
tremendous success at the St James Theatre in London, until Luftwaffe
brought an end to the performances by destroying part of the theatre.
According to Billy Wilder, Christie herself considered his Witness
for the Prosecution the best screen adaptation of her work. In
her autobiography Christie said that the opening night of the film was
"the only first night I have enjoyed." Wilder rewrote with Harry
Kurnitz the dialogue but did not change the clever plot with a surprise
ending. Charles Laughton played Sir Wilfred, a barrister, who
defends Leonard Vole (Tyrone Power), an inventor, accused of murdering
a middle-aged widowed woman. Marlene Dietrich was his German wife
Christine Vole, an actress, eager to testify against her husband.
Wilfred has just recovered from a severe heart attack. The role of his
dominating nurse, Miss Plimsoll, was played by Laughton's wife, Elsa
Lanchester. In one scene she threatens to resign, if Wilfred doesn't go
to sleep. "Splendid," he replies. "Give her a month's pay and kick her
down the stairs." Dietrich's performance had everything – she sang,
kissed passionately Tyrone Power, said "I never use smelling salts
because they puff up the eyes," and had a double role as a hard Cockney
woman and a coldly articulating German woman. She was very disappointed
when she did not even earn an Oscar nomination after showing her
emotional side to the whole world.
In addition to the mysteries, Christie wrote her autobiography
(1977), and several plays, including The Mousetrap, which run
more than 30 years continuously in London, and had 8 862 performances
at the Ambassadors Theatre in London. The play was based on the short
story 'Three Blind Mice', and was produced in 1952 in Nottingham and
London. The original company at the Ambassadors Theatre included
Richard Attenborough as the detective.
Christie's characters are usually well-to-do people. Often
their comfortable lifestyle is undermined by financial problems, which
lead to murder. Although her villains use very complicated plans, they
are not impossible, but are firmly grounded on the everyday reality: "Miss Lyall's hobby in life, as has been said, was the
study of human beings. Unlike most English people, she was capable of
speaking to strangers on sight instead of allowing four days to a week
to elapse before making the first cautious advance as is the customary
British habit." (from
'Trinagle at Rhodes' in Murder in the Mews, 1937)
In many stories the reader is fooled to suspect an innocent
character, but most innovative Christie was when she revealed the
guilty party: it has been the narrator, a group of people, a serial
killer who tries to hide an obvious motive for his killing one of the
victims, and so forth. Christie's world view was conservative and
rational, but there is always a place for accidents: "'...Does it not
strike you that the easiest way of removing someone you want to
remove from your path is to take advantage of accident?
Accidents are happening all the time. And sometimes –
Hastings – they can be helped to happen!'"
(from Dumb
Witness, 1937).
Christie gives always a logical explanation for crimes, but
society is not blamed. Murder is not a sign of degeneration of
middle-class values. After the crime is solved, life continues happily.
Although Christie's writing career spanned over six decades, she was
conscious of social change without fixating on the period between the
two World Wars. "When I reread those first books," she said in 1966,
"I'm amazed at the number of servants drifting around. And
nobody is really doing any work, they're always having tea on the
lawn." However, she did not like editing her own text and was even
reluctant to change the spelling unless a word has actually been
By 1955 Christie had become a limited company, Agatha Christie
Ltd, which was acquired in the late 1960s by Booker Books. It had
already acquired Ian Fleming. In 1967 Christie was appointed president
of the British Detection Club, and in 1971 she was made a Dame of the
British Empire. Christie died on January 12, 1976 in Wallingford,
Oxforshire. Mallowan died two years later, but he had married after
Christie's death an old family friend. With over one hundred novels and
over one hundred translations into foreign languages, Christie was by
the time of her death the best-selling English novelist of all time. As
Margery Allingham said: Christie has "entertained more people for more
hours at time that any other writer of her generation."
(New York
Times Book Review, 1950)
For further reading: F. Behre: Studies in Agatha Christie's Writing (1967); G.C.
Ramsey: Agatha Christie (1967); J.Feinman: The Mysterious World of
Agatha Christie (1975); D. Murdoch: The Agatha Christie Mystery (1976);
N.B. Wynne: An Agatha Christie Chronology (1976); Agatha Christie: An
Autobiography (1977); H.R.F. Keating (ed.): Agatha Christie (1977); M.
Mallowan: Mallowan's Memoirs (1977); G. Robyns: The Mystery of
Agatha Christie (1979); D. Riley and P. McAllister (eds.): The Bedside,
Bathtube and Armchair Companion to Agatha Christie (1979); R. Toye: The
Agatha Christie's Who Is Who Is Who (1980); The Agatha Christie
Companion by Russell H. Fitzgibbon (1980); J. Mann: Deadlier Than Male
(1981); R.A. Barnard: A Talent to Deceive (1981); J. Symons: Agatha
Christie (1981); H. Gregg: Agatha Christie and All That Mousetrap
(1981); E.F. Bargainnier: The Gentle Art of Murder (1981); P.D. Maida
and N.B. Spornick: A Study of Agatha Christie's Detective Fiction
(1982); Charles Osborne: The Life and Crimes of Agatha Christie (1982);
N.B. Spornick: Murder She Wrote (1982); Jane Morgan: Agatha Christie
(1984); A. Hart: The Life and Times of Miss Marple (1985); D. Sanders
and L. Lovallo: The Agatha Christie Companion (1984);
B. Morselt: An A to Z of the Novels and Short Stories of Agatha
Christie (1986); M. Wagoner: Agatha Christie (1986); G. Gill: Agatha
Christie (1990); A. Hart: The Life and Times of Hercule Poirot (1990);
G. Larsen: Dorothy and Agatha (1990); R.T. Ryan: Agatha Christie
Trivia (1990); M. Shaw and S. Vanecker: Reflecting on Miss Marple
(1991); Scott Palmer: The Films of Agatha Christie (1993); Carol
Dommermuth-Costa: Agatha Christie (1997); Dawn B. Sova, et al.: Agatha
Christie A to Z (1997); Charlotte Trümpler (ed.): Agatha Christie and
Archaeology (2001); Richard Hack: Duchess of Death: The Unauthorized
Biography of Agatha Christie (2009). - See also: "Great Ladies" of the
English mystery's golden
age; Margery Allingham, Dorothy
L. Sayers, Ngaio
Marsh. Latest posthumously published
novel: Black Coffee (1998), originally play, which was produced in 1930 and
lated filmed. Adapted from the play by Charles Osborne. Hercule Poirot
solves the theft of an explosive, which was invented by sir Clad Amory.
"I don't think necessity is the mother of invention -
invention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly also
from laziness. To save oneself trouble." (from An Autobiography,
Selected bibliography:
- The Mysterious Affair at Styles, 1920
- Stylesin tapaus (suom. Paavo Lehtonen, 1970)
- TV film 1990, dir. Ross Devendish,
starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot) and Hugh Fraser (as Captain
- The Secret Adversary, 1922
- Salainen vastustaja (suom. Eva Siikarla, 1974)
- Films: Die Abenteuer G.M.B.H., 1928, prod.
Orplid-Film GmbH, (Germany), dir. by Fred Sauer, starring
Carlo Aldini (Tommy) and Eve Gray (Tuppence); TV movie 1983, dir.
Tony Wharmby, starring James Warwick (as Tommy Beresford),
Francesca Annis (as Tuppence Cowley) and George Baker
- The Murder on the Links, 1923
- Golfkentän murha (suom. Niilo Pakarinen, 1943)
- Film adaptations: TV film 1996, dir.
Andrew Grieve, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot); Itoshino
Cendrillon, 2005, dir. Kazuki Watanabe
- The Man in the Brown Suit, 1924
- Ruskeapukuinen mies (suom. Saima-Liisa Laatunen, 1985)
- TV film 1989, dir. Alan Grint, starring Rue
McClanahan, Tony Randall and Edward Woodward
- Poirot Investigates, 1924 (contains The Adventure of "The
Western Star"; The Tragedy at Marsdon Manor; The Adventure of the Cheap
Flat; The Mystery of Hunter's Lodge; The Million Dollar Bond Robbery;
The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb; The Jewel Robbery at the Grand
Metropolitan; The Kidnapped Prime Minister; The Disappearance of Mr.
Davenheim; The Adventure of the Italian Nobleman; The Case of the
Missing Will; the U.S. edition from 1925 contained additional three
stories: The Chocolate Box, The Veiled Lady, The Lost Mine)
- Poirotin varhaiset jutut (suom. 1981)
- Film adaptations: The Disappearance of Mr.
Davenheim, TV film 1962, in General Electric Theatre, dir. John Brahm,
starring Martin Gabel (as Poirot); The Lost Mine, TV film 1990,
dir. Edward Bennett, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot), Hugh
Fraser and Philip Jackson; The Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim, TV
film 1990, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot) and Hugh
Fraser (as Captain Hastings); The Adventure of the Cheap Flat, TV film
1990, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot) and Hugh Fraser (as
Captain Hastings);
The Kidnapped Prime Minister, TV film 1990, starring David
Suchet (as Hercule Poirot) and Hugh Fraser (as Captain
The Adventure of The Western Star, TV film 1990, starring
Davi Suchet (as Hercule Poirot) and Hugh Fraser (as Captain Hastings);
The Million Dollar Robbery, TV film 1991, starring David Suchet (as
Hercule Poirot) and Hugh Fraser (as Captain Hastings); The Tragedy at
Marsdon Manor, TV film 1991, dir. Renny Rye, starring David Suchet (as
Hercule Poirot), Hugh Fraser and Philip Jackson; The Mystery of
Hunter's Lodge, TV film 1991, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot)
and Hugh Fraser (as Captain Hastings); The Case of the Missing Will, TV
film 1993, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot) and Hugh Fraser
(as Captain Hastings); The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb,
TV film 1993, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot) and Hugh
Fraser (as Captain Hastings); The Adventure of the Italian Nobleman, TV
film 1993, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot); The
Chocolate Box, TV film 1993, dir. Ken Grieve, starring David Suchet (as
Hercule Poirot), Philip Jackson and Rosalie Crutchley; Jewel
Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan, TV film 1993, starring
David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot), Hugh Fraser (as Captain
Hastings) and Pauline Moran
- The Secret of Chimneys, 1925
- Rakkauskirjeiden salaisuus (suom. Kyllikki Wehanen, 1948; Kirsti
Kattelus, 1984)
- TV film 2010, dir. John Strickland, starring
Julia McKenzie (as Miss Marple)
- The Road of Dreams, 1925 (verse)
- The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, 1926
- Odottamaton ratkaisu (suom. Edvin Ukkonen, 1927) / Kello 9.10 (suom.
1929) / Roger Ackroydin murha (suom. 1959; Kirsti Kattelus, 1982)
- Films: Alibi, 1931, dir. Leslie Hiscott,
starring Austin Trevor (as Hercule Poirot), Franklin Dyall and
Elizabeth Allan; TV film 2000, dir. by Andrew Grieve, starring David
Suchet (as Hercule Poirot), Philip Jackson (as Chief Inspector Japp)
and Oliver Ford Davies; Neudacha Puaro, TV movie 2002,
dir. Sergei Ursulyak, starring Konstantin Rajkin (as Hercule
- The Big Four, 1927
- Neljä suurta (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1978)
- The Mystery of the Blue Train, 1928
- Sininen juna (suom. Aarre Pipinen, 1940)
- TV film 2005, dir. Hettie Macdonald,
starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot)
- The Seven Dials Mystery, 1929
- Seitsemän kellon salaisuus (suom. Helena Luho, 1952)
- TV film 1981, dir. Tony Wharmby, starring
John Gielgud, Harry Andrews and Cheryl Campbell
- Partners in Crime, 1929 (reprinted in part as The
Sunningdale Mystery, 1933)
- Rikos yhdistää (suom. 1986)
- Film adaptations: The Case of the Missing
Lady, TV film 1950, in Nash Airflyte Theatre, dir. Marc Daniels,
starring Cloris Leachman (as Tuppence), Ronald Reagan (as Tommy
Blunt) and Barbara Robbins; The Affair of the Pink Pearl, TV film 1983,
starring James Warwick (as Tommy Beresford) and Francesca Annis (as
Tuppence Beresford); Finessing the King, TV film 1983, starring James
Warwick (as Tommy Beresford) and Francesca Annis (as Tuppence
Beresford); House of the Lurking Death, TV film 1983, starring James
Warwick (as Tommy Beresford) and Francesca Annis (as Tuppence
Beresford); The Sunningdale Mystery, TV film 1983, starring James
Warwick (as Tommy Beresford) and Francesca Annis (as Tuppence
Beresford); The Clergyman's Daughter, TV film 1983, starring James
Warwick (as Tommy Beresford) and Francesca Annis (as Tuppence
Beresford); Ambassador's Boots, TV film 1983, starring James Warwick
(as Tommy Beresford) and Francesca Annis (as Tuppence
Beresford); The Unbreakable Alibi, TV film 1983, starring
James Warwick (as Tommy Beresford) and Francesca Annis (as Tuppence
Beresford); The Man in the Mist, TV film 1984, starring James Warwick
(as Tommy Beresford) and Francesca Annis (as Tuppence Beresford); The
Case of the Missing Lady, TV film 1984, starring James Warwick (as
Tommy Beresford) and Francesca Annis (as Tuppence Beresford); The
Cracler, TV film 1984, starring James Warwick (as Tommy Beresford) and
Francesca Annis (as Tuppence Beresford); Le crime est notre
affaire, 2008, dir. Pascal Thomas, starring Catherine Frot, André
Dussollier and Claude Rich
- The Under Dog, 1929
- TV film: The Underdog, dir. John Bruce,
starring David Suchet (as Poirot) and Hugh Fraser (as Captain Hastings)
- The Mysterious Mr Quinn, 1930
- Herra Quinn esittäytyy (suom. 1986)
- Film adaptation: The Passing of Mr. Quin,
1928, dir. Julius Hagen, Leslie S. Hiscott, starring Stewart Rome,
Trilby Clark, Ursula Jeans, Vivian Baron
- Black Coffee, 1930 (play, prod; publ. 1934)
- Hercule Poirot ja salainen kaava (suomentanut Leena Tamminen, 1997)
- Film adaptations: 1931, dir. Leslie S.
Hiscott, starring Austin Trevor (as Hercule Poirot), Adrianne Allen and
Richard Cooper; Le coffret de laque, 1932, dir. Jean Kemm; TV film
1973, dir. Claus Peter Witt, starring Horst Bollmann (as Hercule
Poirot), Ernst Fritz Fürbringer and Jochen Sostmann
- The Murder at the Vicarage, 1930
- Murha maalaiskylässä (suom. Eila Pennanen, 1954)
- Film adaptations: Mord im Pfarrhaus, TV film
1970, dir. Hans Quest, starring Inge Langen (as Miss Marple), Heinz
Bennent and Edith Schneider; TV film, 1986, dir. by Julian Amyes,
starring Joan Hickson (as Miss Marple); TV film 2004, dir. Charles
Palmer, starring Geraldine McEwan (as Miss Marple)
- Giant' Bread, 1930 (as Mary Westmacott)
- Kaksi rakkautta (suom. Riitta Hakulinen ja Eila Pennanen, 1976)
- The Sittaford Mystery, 1931 (US title: The Murder at
Hazelmoor, 1931)
- Kuolema lähettää viestin (suom. Anu Niroma, 1989)
- TV film 2006, dir. Paul Unwin, starring
Geraldine McEwan (as Miss Marple)
- Peril at End House, 1932
- Vaarallinen talo (suom. A. O. Joutsen, 1936)
- Film adaptations: Zagadka Endkhauza, 1989,
dir. Vadim Derbenyov, starring Anatoli Ravikovich (as Hercule Poirot),
Ilona Ozola and Virginija Kelmelyte; Peril at End House, 1990, dir.
Renny Rye, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot), Hugh Frase (as
Captain Hastings) and Philip Jackson (as Chief Inspector Japp); TV
film, La maison du péril, 2009, dir. Eric Woreth, starring Antoine
Duléry (as Larosière), Marius Colucci (as Lampion) and Elsa Kikoïne
- The Thirteen Problems, 1932 (US title: The Tuesday Club
Murders, 1933; selection, as The Mystery of the Blue Geranium and Other
Tuesday Club Murders, 1940)
- TV film: The Blue Geranium, dir. David
Moore, starring Julia McKernzie (as Miss Marple), Sharon Small and Toby
- The Hound of Death and Other Stories, 1933 (contains The
Hound of Death; The Red Signal; The Fourth Man; The Gypsy; The Lamp;
Wireless; Witness for the Prosecution; The Mystery of the Blue Jar; The
Strange Case of Sir Arthur Carmichael; The Call of Wings; The Last
Seance; SOS
- Kuoleman koira ja muita kertomuksia (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1978)
- Film adaptations: Witness for the
Prosecution, TV film 1950, in Danger; The Red Signal, TV film 1952, in
Suspense, dir. Robert Stevens; Witness for the Prosecution, TV
film 1953, in Lux Video Theatre; Witness for the Prosecution, 1957,
dir. Billy Wilder, starring Tyrone Power, Marlene Dietrich, Charles
Laughton; The Red Signal, TV film 1982, in The Agatha Christie Hour,
dir. John Frankau; Witness for the Prosecution, TV film 1982,
in Hallmark Hall of Fame, dir. Alan Gibson, starring Ralph
Richardson, Deborah Kerr and Beau Bridges; The Fourth Man, TV film
1982, in The Agatha Christie Hour, dir. Michael Simpson, starring John
Nettles, Michael Gough and Geoffrey Chater; The Mystery of the
Blue Jar, TV film 1982, in The Agatha Christie Hour, starring Michael
Aldridge, Robin Kermode and Isabelle Spade; The Red Signals, TV film
1982, in The Agatha Christie Hour, dir. John Frankau
- Lord Edgware Die, 1933 (US title: Thirteen at Dinner, 1933)
- Lordin kuolema (suom. Eila Pennanen, 1953)
- Films: Lord Edgware Dies, 1934, dir. Henry
Edwards, starring Austin Trevor (as Poirot), Richard Cooper (as Captain
Hastings); Thirteen at Dinner, 1985, dir. Lou Antonio, starring Peter
Ustinov (as Hercule Poirot), Faye Dunaway and David Suchet (as
Inspector Japp); TV film 1999, dir. Brian Farnham, starring David
Suchet (as Hercule Poirot), Hugh Fraser (as Captain Hastings)
- Parker Pyne Investigates, 1934 (US title: Mr. Parker Pyne,
Detective, 1934; contains The Case of the Middle-Aged Wife; The Case of
the Discontent Soldier; Ther Case of the Distressed Lady; The Case of
the Discontent Husband; The Case of the Rich Woman; Have You Got
Everything You Want?, The Gate of Bahgdad; The House at Shiraz; The
Pearl of Price; Death on the Nile; The Oracle on the Nile)
- Parker Pyne tietää kaiken (suom. 1981)
- Film adaptations: The Case of the
Middle-Aged Wife, TV film 1982, in The Agatha Christie Hour, starring
Maurice Denham (as Parker Pyne); The Case of the Discontent Soldier, TV
film 1982, in The Agatha Christie Hour, starring Maurice Denham (as
Parker Pyne)
- Unfinished Portrait, 1934 (as Mary Westmacott)
- Kuin muuttolintu (suom. Panu Pekkanen et al, 1976)
- The Listerdale Mystery and Other Stories, 1934 (contains
The Listerdale Mystery; Philomel Cottage; The Girl in the Train; Sing a
Song of Sixpence; Man Manhood of Edward Robinson; Accient; Jane in
Search of a Job; A Fruitful Sunday; Mr. Eastwood's Adventure; The
Golden Ball; The Rajah's Emerald; Swan Song)
- Listerdalen arvoitus: kaksitoista kertomusta (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine,
- Film adaptations: Love From a Stranger,
1937, dir. Rowland V. Lee, starring Ann Harding, Basil Rathbone and
Binnie Hale (based on Philomel Cottage); Love from a Stranger, TV
movie 1938 (based on Philomel Cottage)
; Love from a Stranger, TV movie 1947 (based on Philomel Cottage)
; Love from a Stranger, 1947, dir. Richard Whorf,
starring John Hodiak, Sylvia Sidney and Ann Richards (based
on Philomel Cottage); Ein Fremder kam ins Haus / A Stranger Came Into
the House, TV film 1957, dir. Wilm ten Haaf, starring Elfriede Kuzmany,
Fritz Tillmann and Anne Kersten; Ein Fremder klopft an / Love
from a Stranger, TV movie 1967, dir. Kurt Früh; The Manhood of Edward
Robinson, TV film 1982, in The Agatha Christie Hour, dir. Brian Farnham, starring Nicholas Farrell, Cherie Lunghi and Margery
Mason; The Girl in the Train, TV film 1982, in The Agatha Christie
Hour, dir. Brian Farnham; TV film 1982, in The Agatha Christie
Hour, dir. Brian Farnham;
Jane in Search of a Job, TV film 1982, in The Agatha Christie
Hour, dir. Christopher Hodson, starring Elizabeth Garvie, Andrew
Bicknell and Amanda Redman
- Why Didn't They Ask Evans?, 1934 (US title: The Boomerang
Clue, 1935)
- Askel tyhjyyteen (suom. Laila Järvinen, 1953; Kirsti Kallelus, 1989)
- Film adaptations: TV movie 1980, dir.
John Davies, Tony Wharmby, starring Francesca Annis, John Gielgud and
Bernard Miles; TV film 2009, dir. Nicholas Renton, starring Julia
McKenzie (as Miss Marple)
- Murder on the Orient Express, 1934 (US title: Murder in the
Calais Coach, 1934)
- Idän pikajunan arvoitus (suom. Leena Karro, 1937)
- Film adaptations: 1974, dir. by Sidney
Lumet, starring Albert Finney, Lauren Bacall and Ingrid Bergman; TV
movie 2001, dir. Carl Schenkel, starring Alfred Molina (as Hercule
Poirot); 2010, dir. Philip Martin, starring David Suchet (as Hercule
- Murder in Three Acts, 1934 (UK title: Three Act Tragedy,
- Murhenäytelmä kolmessa näytöksessä (suom. Eero Ahmavaara, 1960)
- Films: TV film 1986, dir. Gary Nelson,
starring Peter Ustinov (as Hercule Poirot), Tony Curtis, Emma
Samms; Three Act Tragedy, 2010, dir. Ashley Pearce, starring David
Sucher (as Poirot)
- Black Coffee, 1934 (play)
- Death in the Clouds, 1935
- Lentävä kuolema (suom. anon., 1937; Kirsti Kattelus, 1978)
- Film adaptations: TV film 1992, dir.
Stwephen Whittaker, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot); Kumo no
naka no shi, 2004, dir. Naohito Takahashi
- The A.B.C. Murders, 1936 (US title: The Alphabet Murders,
- Aikataulukon arvoitus (suom. Aune Suomalainen, 1937; Kirsti Kattelus,
- Films: The Alphabet Murders, 1966, dir.
Frank Tashlin, starring Tony Randall (as Hercule Poirot), Robert Morley
and Anita Ekberg; The ABC Murders, TV film 1992, dir. Andrew
Grieve, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot); ABC satsujin-jiken,
2005, dir. Kunio Yoshikawa; Les meurtres ABC, TV film 2009, dir. Eric
Woreth, starring Antoine Duléry (as Larosière), Marius Colucci (as
Lampion) and Denis Lavant
- Cards on the Table, 1936
- Kortit pöydällä (suom. Aune Suomalainen, 1939)
- Film 2005, dir. Sarah Harding, starring
David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot)
- Murder in Mesopotamia, 1936
- Murha Mesopotamiassa (suom. Eero Ahmavaara, 1957)
- Film adaptation in 2001, dir. by Tom Glegg,
starring David Suchet and Hugh Fraser
- Yellow Iris, 1936 (radio play)
- Death on the Nile, 1937
- Kuolema Niilillä (suom. Sirkka Rapola, 1940; Kirsti Kattelus, 1978)
- Film adaptations: TV film 1950,
in Kraft Television Theatre; 1978, dir. John Guillermin, film scritp by
Anthony Shaffer, starring Peter Ustinov (as Hercule Poirot), Mia Farrow
and Simon MacCorkindale; TV film 2004, dir. by Andy Wilson, starring
David Suchet (as Poirot)
- Dumb Witness, 1937 (US title: Poirot Loses a Client, 1937)
- Mykkä todistaja (suom. Kari Ahonen, 1953)
- TV film 1996, dir. Edward Bennett, starring David Suchet (as Hercule
- Murder in the Mews and Three Other Poirot Cases, 1937
(contains Murder in the Mews, The Incredible Theft, Dead Man's Mirror,
Triangle at Rhodes)
- Särkyneen peilin arvoitus ja 3 muuta Poirotin juttua (suom.
Anna-Liisa Laine, 1977)
- Triangle at Rhodes, TV film 1989, dir. Renny
Rye, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot); The Incredible Theft,
TV film 1989, dir. Edward Bennett, starring David Suchet (as Hercule
Poirot); Dead Man's Mirror, TV film 1993, starring David Suchet
(as Hercule Poirot), Hugh Fraser and Philip Jackson
- Wasp's Nest, 1937 (television play)
- TV film 1937, in Theatre Parade, starring Francis L. Sullivan (as
Hercule Poirot)
- Appointment with Death, 1938
- Hänet täytyy tappaa (suom. 1971)
- Films: 1988, dir. by Michael Winner, film
script by Anthony Shaffer, starring Peter Ustinov, Lauren Bacall,
Carrie Fisher; 2008, dir. Ashley Peace, starring David Suchet (as
Hercule Poirot)
- Hercule Poirot's Christmas, 1938 (US title: Murder for
Christmas, 1938; A Holiday for Murder, 1947)
- Simeon Leen testamentti (suom. Helena Luho, 1953)
- Film adaptations: TV mini-series: Petits
meurtres en famille, 2006, starring Robert Hossein, Elsa
Zylberstein, Bruno Todeschini, Antoine Duléry; TV film 1995,
dir. Edward Bennett, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot)
- The Regatta Mystery and Other Stories, 1939 (contains The
Regatta Mystery; The Mystery of the Baghdad Chest; How Does Your Garden
Grow?; Problem at Pollensa Bay; Yellow Iris; Miss Marple Tells a Story;
The Dream; In a Glass Darkly; Problem at Sea)
- Film adaptations: In a Glass Darkly, TV film
1982, in The Agatha Christie Hour, dir. Desmond Davis, starring
Nicholas Clay, Emma Piper and Shaun Scott; Problem at Sea, TV film
1989, dir. Renny Rye, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot), Hugh
Fraser and Melissa Greenwood; The Dream, TV film 1989, dir. Edward
Bennett, starring David Suchet (as Poirot); How Does Your Garden Grow?;
TV film 1991, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot), Hugh Fraser
and Philip Jackson; The Yellow Iris, TV film 1993, dir. Peter
Barber-Fleming, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot)
- Murder is Easy, 1939 (US title: Easy to Kill, 1939)
- Neiti Pinkertonin salaisuus (suom. Eero Ahmavaara, 1958)
- Film adaptations: TV film 1982, dir. Claude
Whatham, starring Bill Bixby, Lesley-Anne Down and Olivia de Havilland;
TV film 2008, dir. Hettie Macdonald, starring Julie McKenzie (as Miss
- Ten Little Niggers, 1939 (US title: And Then There Were
None, 1940; as Ten Little Indians, 1965)
- Eikä yksikään pelastunut (suom. Helka Varho, 1940) / Kymmenen pientä
neekeripoikaa (suom. Helka Varho, 1973)
- Films: And Then There Were None, 1945, dir.
René Clair, starring Barry Fitzgerald, Walter Huston and Louis Haywar;
Ten Little Niggers, TV movie 1949, prod. British Broadcasting
Corporation (BBC); Ten Little Indians, TV film 1959, prod. Talent
Associates; Ten Little Niggers, TV film 1959, in ITV Play of the Week;
Gumnaan, 1965, dir. Raja Nawathe; Ten Little Indians, 1965, dir. by
George Pollock, starring Hugh O'Brian, Shirley Eaton and Fabian; Zehn
kleine Negerlein, TV film 1969, dir. Hans Quest; Dix petits nègres, TV
film 1970, in Au théâtre ce soir, dir. Pierre Sabbagh; Ten Little
Indians / Ein Unbekannter rechnet ab, 1975, dir. Peter Collinson,
starring Charles Aznavour, Maria Rohm, Adolfo Celi, Richard
Attenborough; Ten Little Maidens, 1985, dir. John Seeman, starring
Harry Reems, Ginger Lynn Allen and Jamie Gillis; Desyat negrityat,
1987, dir. Stanislav Govorukhin; Ten Little Indians, 1989, dir.
by Alan Birkinshaw, starring Donald Pleasence, Frank Stallone and Sarah
Maur Thorp; Suspicions, 1995, dir. Michael Sperrazza
- One, Two, Buckle My Shoe, 1940 (US title: The Patriotic
Murders, 1941; as An Overdose of Death, 1953)
- Mabellen kahdet kasvot (suom. Eero Ahmavaara, 1961)
- TV film 1992, dir. Ross Devenish, starring
David Suchet (as Poirot)
- Sad Cypress, 1940
- Teetä kolmelle (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1974)
- Film adaptations: TV film 2003, dir. David
Moore, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot); Je ne suis pas
coupable, TV film 2010, dir. Eric Woreth, starring Antoine Duléry (as
Larosière), Marius Colucci (as Lampion) and Léna Breban
- Evil Under the Sun, 1941
- Varjossa auringon alla (suom. Eero Ahmavaara, 1962)
- Film adaptations: 1982, dir. by Guy
Hamilton, film script by Anthony Schaffer, starring Peter Ustinov (as
Hercule Poirot), James Mason and Maggie Smith; TV film 2001, dir. by
Brian Farnham, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot), Hugh Fraser
(as Captain Hastings) and Philip Jackson (as Chief Inspector Japp)
- N or M?, 1941
- Salomonin tuomio (suom. Irmeli Ruuska, 1988)
- The Body in the Library, 1942
- Ruumis kirjastossa (suom. Ragni Rossi, 1972)
- Film adaptations: TV movie 1984, dir.
Silvio Narizzano, starring Joan Hickson (as Miss Marple); TV film,
2004, dir. by Andy Wilson, starring Geraldine McEwan (as Miss Marple)
- The Moving Finger, 1942
- Syyttävä sormi (suom. Eva Siikarla, 1972)
- Film adaptations: TV movie 1985, dir. Roy
Boulting, starring Joan Hickson (as Miss Marple); TV film 2006, dir.
Tom Shankland, starring Geraldine McEwan (as Miss Marple)
- Five Little Pigs, 1942 (US title: Murder in Retrospect,
- Viisi pientä porsasta (suom. Helvi Parrukoski, 1948) / Viisi pientä
possua (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1971)
- Film adaptations: TV film 2003, dir. Paul
Unwin, starring David Suchet (as Poirot); Cinq petits cochons, TV film
2011, dir. Eric Woreth, starring Antoine Duléry (as Larosière), Marius
Colucci (as Lampion) and Michel Muller
- Poirot on Holiday, 1943
- Poirot and the Regatta Mystery, 1943
- The Mystery of the Crime in Cabin 66, 1943
- Problem at Pollensa Bay, and Christmas Adventure, 1943
- Ten Little Niggers, 1943 (play, prod.; publ. 1944; as Ten
Little Indians, prod. New York, 1944; publ., 1946)
- 10 pientä neekeripoikaa (suom. Toini Havu, 1956)
- The Veiled Lady, and the Mystery of the Baghdad Chest, 1944
- TV movie: The Veiled Lady, 1990, dir. Edward Bennett,
starring David Suchet (as Poirot)
- Death Comes as the End, 1944
- Kaikki päättyy kuolemaan (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1977)
- Towards Zero, 1944
- Kohti nollapistettä (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1979)
- Films: L'heure zéro, dir. Pascal Thomas; TV
film 2007, dir. Kevin Elyot, starring Geraldine McEwan (as Miss
Marple) and Julian Sands
- Absent in the Spring, 1944 (as Mary Westmacott)
- Yksinäinen kevät (suom. Eva Siikarla, 1975)
- Sparkling Cyanide, 1945 (US title: Remembered Death, 1945)
- Helmeilevä kuolema (suom. Eero Ahmavaara, 1959)
- Film adaptations: TV movie 1983, dir. Robert
Michael Lewis, starring Anthony Andrews, Deborah Raffin and Pamela
Bellwood ;TV movie 2003, prod. Company Pictures, Chorion, dir. Tristram
- Appointment with Death, 1945 (play, prod.; publ. 1956; in
The Mousetrap and Other Plays, 1978)
- Murder on the Nile, 1945 (play, adapted from the novel
Death on the Nile, prod., as Little Horizon, 1945; as Murder on the
Nile, 1946, publ. 1948)
- The Hollow, 1946 (US title: Murder after Hours, 1954)
- Kohtalokas viikonloppu (suom. Annikki Setälä, 1959)
- Film adaptations: Kiken na onnatachi, 1985,
dir. Yoshitaro Nomura; TV film 2004, dir. Simon Langton, starring David
Suchet (as Poirot); Le grand alibi, 2008, dir. Pascal Bonitzer,
starring Miou-Miou, Lambert Wilson and Valeria Bruni Tedeschi
- Come, Tell Me How You Live, 1946 (rev. ed. 1976)
- Poirot Lends a Hand, 1946
- Poirot Knows the Murderer, 1946
- Ten Little Indians, 1946 (play)
- The Labours of Hercules, 1947
- Poirot parhaimmillaan (suom. Eeva-Liisa Manner et al., 1964) /
Herkuleen urotyöt (suom. 1971)
- Taken at the Flood, 1948 (US title: There Is a Tide...,
- Vuoksi ja luode (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1973)
- Film adaptations: TV film, 2006, dir. by
Andy Wilson, starring David Suchet (as Poirot); Le flux et le reflux,
TV film 2011, dir. Eric Woreth, starring Antoine Duléry (as Larosière),
Marius Colucci (as Lampion) and Marie Denarnaud
- The Rose and the Ywe Tree, 1948 (as Mary Westmacott)
- Ruusun aika (suom. Eva Siikarla, 1976)
- The Witness for the Prosecution and Other Stories, 1948
(contains Accident, The Fourth Man, The Mystery of the Blue Jar, The
Mystery of the Spanish Shawl, Philomel Cottage, The Red Signal, The
Second Gong, Sing a Song of Sixpence, S.O.S., Where There's a Will, The
Witness for the Prosecution)
- Puolustuksella on puheenvuoro (suom. Jouko Linturi, 1983)
- Crooked House, 1949
- Murhaaja kujeilee (suom. 1951) / Väärän vänkyrä talo (suom. Juhani
Jaskari, 1977)
- The Mousetrap and Other Stories, 1949 (as Three Blind Mice
and Other Stories, 1950; contains Three Blind Mice, Strange Jest, The
Tape-Measure Murder, The Case of the Perfect Maid, The Case of the
Caretaker, The Third Floor Flat, The Adventure of Johnny Waverly,
Four-and-Twenty Blackbirds, The Love Detectives)
- Hiirenloukku, kahdeksan rikoskertomusta (suom. Kirsti Kattelus, Satu
Mononen, Tuija Räsänen, 1977)
- Film adaptations: Three Blind Mice, TV play
1947, prod. BBC, starring John Witty, Jessica Spencer, Christine
Lindsay, Patric Curwen, Dennis Val Norton, Alan Reid, Lewis
Stringer; Adventure of Johnnie Waverly, TV film 1989, dir. Renny
Rye, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot), Hugh Fraser and
Philip Jackson; Four and Twenty Blackbirds, TV film 1989, dir. Renny
Rye, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot), Hugh Fraser and
Philip Jackson; The Third Floor Flat, TV film 1989, dir. Edward
Bennett, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot), Hugh Fraser
and Philip Jackson
- A Murder is Announced, 1950
- Kuolema ilmoittaa lehdessä (suom. Eila Palaste, 1950)
- Film adapatations: TV film 1956, in Goodyear
Television Playhouse, dir. Paul Stanley, starring Gracie Fields (as
Miss Jane Marple); TV movie 1985, dir. David Giles, starring Joan
Hickson (as Miss Marple); TV film 2005, dir. John Strickland, starring
Geraldine McEwan (as Miss Marple); Yokoku Satsujin, 2007, dir. Kusuda
Yasunobu, starring Kishi Keiko, Hashino Emi
- They Came to Baghdad, 1951
- He tulivat Bagdadiin (suom. Hilkka Pekkanen, 1987)
- TV film 1952, in Studio One, dir. Paul
Nickell, starring June Dayton, Bramwell Fletcher, Richard Kiley
- The Hollow, 1951 (play, prod., publ. 1952)
- The Underdog and Other Stories, 1951 (contains The Under
Dog, The Plymouth Express, The Affair at the Victory Ball, The Market
Basing Mystery, The Lemesurier Inheritance, The Cornish Mystery, The
King of Clubs, The Submarine Plans, The Adventure of the Clapham Cook)
- Film adaptations: The Adventure of the
Clapham Cook, TV film 1989, dir. Edward Bennett, starring David Suchet
(as Hercule Poirot), Hugh Fraser and Philip Jackson; The King of Clubs,
TV film 1989, dir. Renny Rye, starring David Suchet (as Hercule
Poirot), Hugh Fraser and Philip Jackson; The Cornish Mystery, TV film
1990, dir. Edward Bennett, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot),
Hugh Fraser and Philip Jackson; The Plymouth Express, TV film
1989, dir. Andrew Piddington, starring David Suchet (as Hercule
Poirot), Hugh Fraser and Philip Jackson; The Affair at the Victoru
Ball, TV film 1991, dir. Renny Rye, starring David Suchet (as Hercule
Poirot), Hugh Fraser and Philip Jackson
- They Do It with Mirrors, 1952 (US title: Murder with
Mirrors, 1952)
- Neiti Marplea ei petetä (suom. Leena Jaskari ja Matti Jaskari, 1969)
- Film adaptations: TV movie 1985, dir. Dick
Lowry, starring Helen Hayes (as Miss Marple), Bette Davis and John
Mills; TV film 1991, dir. Norman Stone, starring Joan Hickson (as Miss
Marple) and Jean Simmons; TV film 2009, dir. Andy Wilson, starring
Julia McKenzie (as Miss Marple)
- The Mousetrap, 1952 (radio play)
- Mrs McGinty's Dead, 1952 (US title: Blood Will Tell, 1952)
- Rouva McGinty on kuollut (suom. Eva Siikarla, 1973)
- Film: Murder Most Foul, 1964, dir. by George
Pollock, starring Margaret Rutherford (as Miss Jane Marple);
TV film 2008, dir. Ashley Pearce, starring David Suchet (as
- A Daughter's a Daughter, 1952 (as Mary Westmacott)
- Tyttären tarina (suom. Hilkka Pekkanen, 1976)
- The Mousetrap, 1952 (play, prod., publ. 1954)
- Hiirenloukku (suom. Seppo Loponen, 1967)
- Films: Die Fuchsjagd, TV film 1954,
dir. Werner Simon, starring Erika Wolf, Ottokar Runze and Helmut Ahner;
Musefaelden, 1955, prod. Danmarks Radio, dir. Svend Aage Lorentz
- After the Funeral, 1953 (US title: Funerals Are Fatal,
1953; as Murder at the Gallop, 1963)
- Hautajaisten jälkeen (suom. Eero Ahmavaara, 1953)
- Murder at the Gallop, 1963, dir. by George
Pollock, starring Margaret Rutherford (as Miss Jane Marple);
TV film 2006, dir. Maurice Phillips, starring David Suchet (as Poirot)
- A Pocket Full of Rye, 1953
- Salaperäise rukiinjyvät (suom. Eila Pennanen, 1956)
- Film adaptations: Tayna chyornykh drozdov,
1983, dir. Vadim Derbenyov, starring Ita Ever (as Miss Marple); TV film
1985, dir. Guy Slater, starring Joan Hickson (as Miss Marple) TV movie
2008, dir. Charles Palmer, starring Julia McKenzie (as Miss Marple)
- Witness for the Prosecution, 1953 (play, prod.; publ. in
Famous Plays, 1954)
- Spider's Web, 1954 (play, prod.; publ., 1957)
- Seitti (suomentanut Kirsti Kattelus, 2001)
- Film adaptations: Das Spinnennetz, TV film
1956, dir. Fritz Umgelter, starring Marlies Schönau, Eva Demski
and Hans E. Schons; 1960, dir. Godfrey Grayson, starring Glynis Johns,
John Justin and Jack Hulbert; TV film 1961, dir. Godfrey Grayson; La
toile d'araignée, TV film 1969, in Au théâtre ce soir, dir. Pierre
Sabbagh; TV movie 1982, dir. Basil Coleman, starring Penelope Keith,
Robert Flemyng and Thorley Walters
- Destination Unknown, 1954 (US title: So Many Steps to
Death, 1955)
- Määränpää tuntematon (suom. Irmeli Ruuska, 1986)
- Hickory, Dickory, Dock, 1955 (US title: Hickory, Dickory,
Death, 1955)
- Neiti Lemon erehtyy (suom. Eila Pennanen, 1957)
- TV film 1995, dir. Andrew Grieve, starring David
Suchet (as Hercule Poirot)
- The Burden, 1956 (as Mary Westmacott)
- Rakkauden kevyt taakka (suom. Raija Mattila, 1975)
- Dead Man's Folly, 1956
- Kuolleen miehen huvimaja (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1975)
- TV film 1986, dir. Clive Donner, starring
Peter Ustinov (as Hercule Poirot), Jean Stapleton and Constance
- Toward Zero, 1956 (play, with Gerald Verner, prod.; publ.
- 4.50 from Paddington, 1957 (US title: What Mrs. Gillicuddy
Saw!, 1957; as Murder She Said!, 1961)
- Paddingtonista 16.50 (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1968)
- Murder She Said, 1962, dir. George Pollock,
starring Margaret Rutherford (as Miss Marple), Arthur Kennedy and
Muriel Pavlow; TV film 1987, dir. by Martyn Friend, starring Joan
Hickson (as Miss Jane Marple); TV film 2004, dir. Andy Wilson,
starring Geraldine McEwan (as Miss Marple), Griff Rhys Jones and David
Warner; Uso o tsuku shitai, 2006, dir. Ryûichi Inomata
- Ordeal by Innocence, 1958
- Syyttömyyden taakka (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1976)
- Film adaptations: 1985, dir. Desmond Davis,
starring Donald Sutherland, Faye Dunaway and Christopher Plummer; TV
film 2007, dir. Moira Armstrong, starring Geraldine McEwan (as Miss
Marple); Am stram gram, TV film 2009, dir. Eric Woreth, starring
Antoine Duléry (as Larosière), Marius Colucci (as Lampion) and Hélène
- Verdict, 1958 (play, prod.; publ. 1958; in The Mousetrap
and Other Plays, 1978)
- The Unexpected Guest, 1958 (play, prod.; publ. 1958; in The
Mousetrap and Other Plays, 1978)
- Odottamaton vieras (suomentanut Tiina Ohinmaa, 1999)
- Film adaptations: Dhund, 1973, dir.
B.R. Chopra; L'ospite inatteso, 1983, dir, Daniele D'Anza; Manekarezaru
kyaku: Fujisanroku renzoku satsujin jiken, TV film 2001, dir. Toshihiro
ItoCat Among the Pigeons
- Cat Among the Pigeons, 1959
- Kissa kyyhkyslakassa (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1960)
- Film adaptations: TV film 2008, dir. James
Kent, starring David Suchet (as Poirot); Le chat et les souris, TV film
2010, dir. Eric Woreth, starring Antoine Duléry (as Larosière), Marius
Colucci (as Lampion) and Brigitte Catillon
- Personal Call, 1960 (radio play)
- The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding, 1960 (contains The
Adventure of the Christmas Pudding, or Thre Theft of the Royal Ruby,
Thre Mystery of the Spanish Chest, The Under Dog, Four and Twenty
Blackbirds, The Dream, Greenshaw's Folly)
- Seikkaileva jälkiruoka (suom. 1984)
- Film adaptations: The Theft of the Royal
Ruby, TV film 1991, dir. Andrew Grieve, starring David Suchet (as
Hercule Poirot), Frederick Treves and Stephanie Cole; The Mystery of
the Spanish Chest, TV film 1991, dir. Andrew Grieve, starring David
Suchet (as Hercule Poirot), Hugh Fraser and Philip Jackson
- Go Back for Murder, 1960 (play, prod.; publ. 1960; in The
Mousetrap and Other Plays, 1978)
- The Pale Horse, 1961
- Totuus Hallavan hevosen majatalosta (suom. Antti Nuuttila, 1966)
- Films: 1966, dir. Charles Beeson; TV movie
1997, dir. Charles Beeson; TV movie 2010, dir. Andy Hay, starring Julia
McKenzie (as. Miss Marple)
- Double Sin and Other Stories, 1961 (contains Double Sin,
Wasp's Nest, The Theft of the Royal Ruby, The Dressmaker's Doll,
Greenshaw's Folly, The Double Clue, The Last Seance, Sanctuary)
- Film adaptations: Double Sin, TV film 1990, dir.
Richard Spence, starring David Suchet (as Poirot); Wasps's Nest, TV
film 1991, dir. Brian Farnhm, starring David Suchet (as Hercule
Poirot), Hugh Fraser and Philip Jackson; The Double Clue, TV film 1991,
dir. Andrew Piddington, starring David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot), Hugh
Fraser and Philip Jackson
- 13 for Luck! A Selection of Mystery Stories for Young Readers, 1961
- The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side, 1962
- Tuijottava katse (suom. Raija Hermala, 1965)
- Films: The Mirror Crack'd, 1980, dir. Guy
Hamilton, starring Angela Lansbury (as Miss Jane Marple), Tony Curtis
and Rock Hudson; TV film 1992, dir. Norman Stone, starring Joan Hickson
(as Miss Jane Marple) and Claire Bloom; Shubho Mahurat, 2003,
written and directed by Rituparno Ghosh; Daijoyu Satsujin-jiken,
2007, dir. Kusuda Yasunobu; 2010, dir. Tom Shankland, starring Julia
McKenzie (as Miss Marple)
- Rule of Three: Afternoon at the Seaside, The Rats, The
Patient, 1962 (play, prod.; publ. 1963, 3 vols.)
- The Clocks, 1963
- Kellot (suom. Pauli A. Kopperi, 1964)
- TV film 2009, dir. Charles Palmer, starring
David Suchet (as Hercule Poirot)
- Star Over Bethlehem and Other Stories, 1965 (as Agatha
Christie Mallowan)
- Surprise! Surprise!: A Collection of Mystery Stories with
Unexpected Endings, 1965 (edited by Raymond T. Bond)
- 13 Clues for Miss Marple, 1966
- Rule of Three, 1963 (plays)
- A Caribbean Mystery, 1964
- Lomahotellin murhat (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1965)
- TV film 1983, dir. Robert Michael Lewis,
starring Helen Hayes (as Miss Jane Marple), Barnard Hughes and Jameson
- At Bertram's Hotel, 1965
- Bertramin hotellissa (suom. Simo Mäenpää, 1967)
- Film adaptations: TV film 1987, dir. Mary
McMurray, starring Joan Hickson (as Miss Marple); TV film 2007, dir.
Dan Zeff, starring Geraldine McEwan (as Miss Marple)
- Third Girl, 1966
- Kolmas tyttö (suom. Laura Tetri, 1970)
- TV film 2008, dir. Dan Reed, starring David
Suchet (as Hercule Poirot)
- Endless Night, 1967
- Ikiyö (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1969)
- Film adaptation in 1972, dir. by Sidney
Gilliat, starring Hayley Mills, Hywel Bennett and Britt Ekland
- By the Pricking of My Thumbs, 1968
- Eipä aikaakaan niin voi kauhistus (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1968)
- Film adaptations: Mon petit doigt m'a
dit..., 2005, dir. Pascal Thomas, starring Catherine Frot, André
Dussollier and Geneviève Bujold; TV film 2006, dir. Peter Medak,
starring Geraldine McEwan (as Miss Marple)
- Hallowe'en Party, 1969
- Kurpitsajuhla (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1970)
- Film 2010, dir. Charles Palmer, starring David Suchet (as Poirot)
- Passenger to Frankfurt, 1970
- Salaperäinen matkustaja (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1971)
- The Golden Ball and Other Stories, 1971
- TV film: The Golden Ball/Just Three Words, in Fireside
Theatre, 1950, dir. John Reinhardt, starring Eve Miller and George
- Fiddlers Three, 1971 (play, prod.; publ. 1972)
- Nemesis, 1971
- Neiti Marple koston jumalattarena (suom. Eva Siikarla, 1972)
- Film adaptations: TV film 1987, dir. David
Tucker, starring Joan Hickson (as Miss Jane Marple); TV film 2007, dir.
Nicolas Winding Refn, starring Geraldine McEwan (as Miss Marple)
- Elephants Can Remember, 1972
- Norsun muisti (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1973)
- Postern of Fate, 1973
- Kohtalon portti (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, Panu Pekkanen, 1983)
- Akhnaton, 1973 (play)
- Poems, 1973
- Poirot's Early Cases, 1974 (US title: Hercule Poirot's
Early Cases, 1974)
- Poirotin lyhyet jutut (suom. 1976)
- Curtain: Hercule Poirot's Last Case, 1975
- Esirippu: Poirotin viimeinen juttu (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1976)
- Sleeping Murder, 1976
- Neiti Marplen viimeinen juttu (suom. Anna-Liisa Laine, 1977)
- Film adaptations: TV film 1987, dir. John
Davies, starring Joan Hickson (as Miss Marple); TV film 2006, dir.
Edward Hall, starring Geraldine McEwan (as Miss Marple), Russ Abbot and
Geraldine Chaplin
- Agatha Christie: An Autobiography, 1977
- Vanha hyvä aikani (suom. Antti Nuuttila, 1978)
- The Mousetrap and Other Plays, 1978 (includes Witness for
the Prosecution, Ten Little Indians, Appointment with Death, The
Hollow, Towards Zero, Verdict, Go Back for Murder
- Akhnaton, 1979 (play, prod.; publ. 1973)
- Miss Marple's Final Cases and Two Other Stories, 1979
- The Agatha Christie Hour, 1982
- TV series The Agatha Christie Hour, 1982,
prod. Thames Television, episodes: The Case of the Middle-Aged Wife; In
a Glass Darkly; The Girl in the Train; The Fourth Man; The Case of the
Discontent Soldier; Magnolia Blossom; The Mystery of the Blue Jar; The
Red Signal; Jane in Search of a Job; The Manhood of Edward Robinson
- The Scoop and Behind the Screen, 1983 (with others)
- Problem at Pollensa Bay and Other Stories, 1991
- While the Light Lasts and Other Stories, 1997
- Kirstun arvoitus ja muita kertomuksia (suomentanut Jukka Saarikivi,
- The Mysterious Affair at Styles: & the Secret Adversary: An Agatha Christie Omnibus,
- Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks: Fifty Years of Mysteries in the Making, 2009
- Agatha Christien salaiset muistikirjat (suomentanut Risto Raitio,

Some rights reserved Petri Liukkonen
(author) & Ari Pesonen. Kuusankosken kaupunginkirjasto 2008